
Hug a little tighter..

Do you ever have those days where you just want to hold your children, and never let them go? That is how I am feeling today. I got a text message from my husband telling me that the man I asked you to pray for (Jim Luna) has been given only hours to live. Shot one to the heart. Then, there is a family that I have been praying for- Collin and Seth Lee- who had their baby at 28 or so weeks. She was a 2 pound little baby with not too many problems considering how small she was. Then, things took a turn for the worse when she was diagnosed with a deadly disease. Today, that sweet baby went into the arms of Jesus. My heart is broken for this family. Collin and I were in a lot of the same classes at BBC. I didn’t have a lot of friends at BBC because I worked 30+ hours at COX South, and took 18-21 credit hours every semester. So, I didn’t know her very well. I remember that she was kind and beautiful! That is about all I remember about most people at BBC…

Anyway, I am realizing how blessed that I am to have two beautiful healthy baby girls to hold and love on. Yes, I have a baby in heaven that I never got to meet. Carrying a baby for 12 weeks, for it to only end in good-bye was heart wrenching. I am not over it. I will never be “over” it. But, I could not imagine HOLDING your baby.. kissing and loving on your tiny precious miracle, to only get a few weeks, or days, or hours with them. Life is so short. Life is precious and fragile. Hold your babies tight. Love on them. Remember in the tough hours that at least you have them to frustrate you. Life isn’t perfect. I have my moments where I want to pull my hair out. But, I would rather be bald with my sweet girls than have perfect hair without them.

Here is the facebook page for baby Eden. Here They are setting up for people to send donations, etc. to this family to help with medical costs, etc. I am not pushing you to do so, but maybe you can leave a note of encouragement for the family. Say a quick prayer for them. I am literally sick to my stomach over the heartache she must be feeling.. I cannot imagine…

Update: Jim Luna passed away this afternoon. Please keep his family in your prayers. I also found out that my sister’s van caught on fire today. She was in it with my niece, nephew, and my niece’s friend. She opened the hood and saw flames, yelled “get out!” to the kids and was able to get them to safety. The fire burned the engine, hood, headlights, etc. I am so thankful that everyone was kept safe during this.