

We took a little.. ok a long.. break from homeschooling. Harper wasn’t really on any kind of schedule anymore and I could not for the life of me get anything figured out because she was increasingly more active. I thrive on a schedule, and so do my kids, so trying to throw it in here and there was just not working for any of us.

Now, H naps at pretty regular times, so we have been getting back into the swing of things. My kids are so smart and bright, and they blow me away. Chloe is still working on Pre-K work. Addison is still a little young; her birthday is in October. I don’t think that we will do real pre-k with her next year even. I don’t think she would be ready for it since her birthday is late. We will just do printables, etc. for her next year while Chloe does Kindergarten. But, that is next year. Back to this year..

Anyway, Addi FINALLY did a worksheet according to the instructions, and my mama heart swelled with pride. She wants to only do animal papers… thanks a lot Aunt Curly for somehow passing that gene to her. :p

If you want to homeschool your kids, but just don’t feel like you can do it. YOU CAN! The companies provide SO MANY resources whenever you order curriculum. We are doing Horizon’s pre-k curriculum right now, and bought Heart of Dakota for next year. I love Horizon’s so far, and like what I have seen of our Kindergarten. I haven’t really dove into it because I am still figuring out pre-k.

Some of my recommendations from an OBVIOUS not-pro:
1. Don’t start immediately after having a baby. Ever..
2. Buy a fancy pencil sharpener. My hands are going to fall off from using a cheap tiny thing to sharpen pencils.
3. Have a set space where you do school. I was told not to put it in their bedrooms because then they would be thinking about schoolwork and unable to fall asleep.
4. JoAnn’s does a discount for homeschooling moms as well as teachers. Use it!
5. Don’t stress. Teaching my kids has been stressful, but overall a real joy to do. I get to be the one to see their eyes light up when they learn something new. It’s amazing. (That is not at all a judgement on moms who don’t homeschool. I understand that some people just don’t want to or are incapable for various reasons. NO judgement at all. I just love being able to witness it.)
6. Find a mentor who can help you. I have a friend who has homeschooled her 4 daughters. She provided me with lots of information and help. I am so grateful for her.
7. Pray a lot. I firmily believe that God has called me to do this. I don’t know if He will have us do this forever, but right now I am in His will. I can’t do this without His help!


  • Mrs. Neuby

    We have an electric pencil sharpener that has been moving from place to place with us. It's been used about 5 times. I would gladly have given it to you. lol Let me know if you still need one next time we are going to see each other.