
Homeschool Room Inspiration

We are starting Kindergarten with Chloe this year. Addison is still young, but so eager to learn, so I am going to be doing some preschool work with her, but nothing too much. Her attention span is pretty short. She is young. It should be!

I am racking my brain trying to think of how to create a functional homeschool space for us. Our house is small, if I haven’t told you that. wink. We have a walk-in-closet sized “bedroom” that most of the toys are in. I have cleaned it up and can use half of the space for homeschool, while the other half would still be play room. I don’t want to set up the space out in our main living area. There would just be far too much clutter. Plus, the TV is in our main living space. I don’t want it to become tempting, or distracting.

Here are some of my favorite inspirations for homeschooling.

This one at Dawn Nicole is set up as a homework command center, but it is perfect for small spaces. I love that everything has it’s own little space. The walls up the side might feel too tight, especially since we will be working on handwriting, etc. I need some room to hover. You know.

This one is just an image that I found while googling. I love that each desk has it’s own color to make the space feel personal. But, it’s totally not necessary. Those desks are perfect. Nothing fancy, but completely functional.

This image.. I have no clue where it is from. Pinterest? That apple clock though. Oh my goodness, gracious! That apple clock is adorable. It makes my former-teacher self very happy!!

I am not a huge primary color fan. But, this room is just so cute. It’s a fully-stocked homeschool room. It really looks just like a little classroom in your home. We had a table like this one that we borrowed from our church for a few months last year. It took up almost the entire space that we have to work with. Otherwise, it would be PERFECT to use. There is plenty of space for all of the hands-on learning that we like to do. There was plenty of space for my papers and books to sit. There was plenty of space for both Chloe and Addison to sit at, and eventually add Harper into the mix.

The only problem, it was HUGE!! I tried it in our living room even. But, it took up most all of the space in there. Where would my kids play?! When I say that this house is small, I do not exaggerate. haha! But, we have a roof over our heads and a warm place to sleep. I am hoping to find some children’s desks for free or cheap. I look at craigslist often.

This is my dream room for homeschooling.

Go check out the full tour! I love this space!!! I love how colorful it is without being overwhelming to the eye. It’s so calming, but still fun. I really can’t even find the words. It’s just lovely.

What are your favorite homeschooling spaces? Do you like the literal classroom look, or do you like to shake it up a little?

I like a little bit of both. Some of the typical classroom with a lot of our personalities thrown in.

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