
Hellos and a Heart Walk

Hi! I have been blogging over at fourarrowsfarm.blogspot.com for several years. I keep hearing rave reviews about WordPress, so I thought that I would give it a shot! I really enjoy blogging; both reading them and writing my own.

For those who don’t know me, I am Ashley! I am a youth pastor’s wife. I have three beautiful little girls who are 5, just days from being 4, and 15 months. I also have a sweet baby, Quinn, that I cannot wait to meet in heaven one day. I LOVE coffee- both iced and hot. I am a new food allergy mama, so I am learning all about cooking all over again.


Today is the annual Heart Walk for Central Illinois. We have made it a point to be at it every year. My dad is a survivor. He had open-heart triple-bypass surgery 5 years ago, and a stroke 4 years ago. It’s near and dear to our hearts.

My dad is also a prostate cancer survivor. My family has had a pretty terrible year. It’s been a lot of scary diagnosing and treatments. Anyway, he is a S-U-R-V-I-V-O-R!! So, he and my mom are currently boarding a plane to go on a week long cruise. So, there is no bitterness about not being there at all! It’s such a celebration!!

Just for fun, here is our family picture from last year!! We are only missing my newest nephew and my brother-in-law, Peter. It was so much fun to have us all together.

family photo