
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

Having children just makes holidays 100% better! I have always loved holidays. Every single silly one. My mom always did special things for my sisters and I for every holiday. I have always been the same way since getting married. Scott never complained about having to eat themed food, but something about making it for the girls is so much better. They get excited about it! Like when mommy pulls out a gallon of green milk!

Green pancakes were a big hit, too! (Especially since they were topped with green sprinkles!)

If anyone has a trick to not getting them to look brown, let me know! 😉

We also had a gold coin hunt. The girls love carrying baskets or purses around and filling them with goodies. I found plastic “gold coins” at Michaels on sale this past weekend and decided to use them in a fun way. While they were sucked in by Finding Nemo, I hid gold coins all over the house. They had so much fun running around and collecting them. The only downside is that Addi is convinced that they have chocolate inside. (One time of giving them the chocolate gold coins, and we can’t live it down!)

The girls helped me make green cupcakes for dessert. I frosted them once they were both in their rooms for nap time with some delicious Hershey’s chocolate caramel frosting. I can’t make cupcakes (or anything really..) without sprinkles, so green sprinkles went atop the deliciousness. I put some Andy’s mints on top of one for me to eat. Scott and the girls don’t like them, so I did mostly just green sprinkles. I left the mini cupcakes frost-less, because, my toddlers do not need any additional sugar.. seriously.. they are wild!

I hope that there are a lot of shenanigans happening in your house today, too!


  • Mrs. Neuby

    How did you fit all of this fun into one day? Peter was gone all day at work, so no fun for us. Just lots of crying. There is definitely at least one tooth coming in. And I'm going to go cry because I typed that out….

  • Ashley

    Scott was home while I made the pancakes. The girls are the age where they love to actually help make the cupcakes and stuff. As long as I set the ingredients out on the counter, they can help dump it in the bowl and stir it… otherwise they are adding extra stuff into the bowl. I always measure everything out by myself and then get them up to help.