
Happy New Year!!!

I am so relieved to be starting a new year. Last year was rotten. It was tough and trying and exhausting.. but I have a beautiful baby born in the midst of all of the trials. I would never wish that it never happened. I know that God has strengthened me a lot through it all. I am still being rebuilt from being broken down. I know that I will come out of it all stronger than before.

It’s time for New Year’s Resolutions. I didn’t really make any resolutions, but I did set attainable goals for myself. I set goals that I want to have reached by the end of the year and then broke them down into smaller monthly and weekly goals.

1. Health- I want and need to lose 25 pounds. People tell me all of the time that I don’t need to.. blah blah blah.. I need to. I hide it well. I am ABOVE the healthy weight for my height. Losing 25 pounds puts me right in the middle of the healthy weight for my height. That is just two pounds a month. Completely do-able. I plan to run at least twice a week, and do a strength training workout at home 3 days a week. I also plan to drink at least 36 ounces of water per day. Right now I drink about.. oh, zero. I hate water. But, I am constantly dehydrated and feeling terrible because of it.

2. Spritual health- I need to spend QUIET time ALONE with God. I try to squeeze it in when no one is bugging me and still end up feeling distracted during it. I need to set aside a certain time where I can truly focus on it and grow. I need alone time with God. My heart aches for it.

4. Business- I want to hit premier consultant by the end of the year. If I can do this, I will be able to pay off our debt this year, and begin working towards purchasing a new vehicle for our family. I would LOVE to be able to do this, but getting out of debt comes first. I have this broken down as well, but unless you are a Jamberry consultant as well, none of that will matter to you. 😉 ashleypullen.jamberrynails.net if you are interested in shopping or becoming one!!

5. Personal- I need to spend more time with Scott. We have three little ones and no family nearby. I don’t like leaving my kids with people who aren’t family. I have trust issues. Deal with it. I need to work on spending more time with him. We need it. I need to say yes more. Yes to my kids instead of “wait” or “no”. Life should be fun!!! I need to extend grace to MYSELF. I am my worst and toughest critic. What I say to myself matters. I am fearfully and wonderfully made by our creator. When I wound my own heart, I wound the heart of God.

What are your goals for 2015??? Just to survive? To live more? To go on a vacation??

**EDIT TO #4: I actually set my goal to hit TEAM MANAGER by the end of the year! That is one rank higher than premier. Also, if I hit that, I could end up going to MAUI with my husband in 2016!!!!!!!!!! *swoon*