
Happy Monday

This is going to be a wild few weeks!!

I finally get to see an endocrinologist next week! Hooray!! Please pray that he can figure something out for me. Also, I read his health grades and they were no bueno.. pray that he isn’t as big of a jerk as those people say.. Yikes!!!

I ate something bad yesterday and had such horrible back pain last night and my thyroid is gigantic again today. I think that I am going to have to do something more than just a diet change. I love to know that I am eating right, so I will keep going with this lifestyle change, but I think something else is going to have to happen. My heart keeps racing and when I stand up I feel like I am going to pass out. I keep getting REALLY hot and can’t cool off. I feel like I am going crazy. Maybe I am. šŸ˜›

Our first MOPS meeting is a week from tomorrow. I have one helper for MOPPETS and one who is willing to help wherever she is needed. There have been flyers handed out at a few schools, so I am freaking out a little about not having enough people to help me out. I want to be prepared for the huge things that God can do!!!

Thursday I have a theology final, and am trying to work on making up classes that I missed during our vacation.

I was planning to have a yard sale this weekend, but I am not sure if I will be able to with all that is going on this week and next week. I have lots and lots to prepare and study, and still have to do school with Chloe, cook, clean, etc. Whew. I am glad that I can drink coffee without any issues. haha!

I hope that your Monday is much less dreary than it is here!