
Happy “First” Halloween!!

Well, we celebrated Chloe’s first holiday in style.  She was dressed up all cute, the house was decorated, and we had a TOOOONNN of candy to pass out. It was Chloe’s first Halloween, and it was hour first time of passing out candy as a married couple. What a let down.  We had 3 kids show up the entire night (and our city has the LONGEST trick-or-treating hours of any other city around here…) I really was so bummed that I almost started crying. If anyone wants candy, stop by! ha! I sat and read “The Belly Button Book” to Chloe while waiting for kids to show up.  We gave up and got on Skype to talk to my mom and dad, and show them her in her costume.  She was cute- and thats all that matters 😀