
Happy Fall Ya’ll

Happy Fall! Oh my goodness, this is my FAVORITE time of year!! I love the way the air turns crisp. The trees change into beautiful colors. Michigan has the most awesome fall!! Halloween is coming up quickly, too!!

I love Halloween. I know that may seem strange to love a holiday that some recognize as a satanic holiday. I don’t know, maybe it started out that way, but it is not that to me at all. It is silly fun! It was Chloe’s first holiday. It was Addi’s first holiday. It is special to me. I try to wait until October 1 to get out the actual Halloween decorations. I watch Hocus Pocus year round though!!

I found this picture on pinterest, and when I clicked on it, I was taken straight to the full picture. I have no clue where it came from, but I love it!!!

Addison turns 2 in FOUR AND HALF weeks!! How did that even happen? I am trying to plan her party. She won’t tell me what kind of party she wants (duh, she’s young). I keep throwing out suggestions, and the only one that she has really said yes to is Monsters. I have asked her a few times “What do you want for your party” and she answers “pink” a lot of the time. haha! I guess I can get creative and do a pink party.

I’m not 100% sure on costumes for her either. Chloe has said for weeks now that she wants to be Tinker Bell. I’m not sure what Addison wants to be though. I want them to choose now that they are old enough, at least somewhat, to choose. Any suggestions?! She was pebbles last year, and the year before she was home with mama as a little 4 day old baby. šŸ™‚ Gosh, this holiday makes me so happy!

We are hoping to get to a pumpkin patch in the next couple of weeks. I would love to have pumpkins everywhere, but I am not sure that it is in the budget for us. This time of year always gets pretty pricey with birthdays, parties, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Pumpkins may be silly to spend money on. *sigh*

I had an apple cider donut, and a mug of hot apple cider this morning, and it was heavenly. I think I will go have some more cider and enjoy the “quiet” of naptime!

Do something fall-ish today!! šŸ™‚