
Good Today


So, Yesterday was terrible the worst day in a long time. Words don’t do it justice. I woke up this morning and didn’t even get dressed. I only do that if I am puking. I always put REAL clothes on first thing in the morning. I was just prepared to sulk about yesterday. Now, I’m not talking “the kids weren’t cooperating, someone was mean” bad day. I am talking “someone I love tried to take their own life” bad day. (Loved one was unsuccessful and as of now is physically going to be ok.)

HOWEVER, Today is not yesterday. Today is not bad. I woke up and saw this picture first thing on facebook. It is my mom’s birthday. It is sunny for the first time in quite a while. Yesterday was bad, but it is a good today. I had to purpose in my heart to not let yesterday get to me, and start fresh. I still haven’t put real clothes on yet. But, I immediately started getting dishes done and straightening up our house. I feel better when there is less clutter. I sat on the floor and folded laundry while Harper threw it everywhere. HAHA!! I called my mom and tried to have the girls sing Happy Birthday. Chickens. They got nervous and only one of them even told her Happy Birthday.

I need to have this attitude more often. I let the worries of life weigh me down. I let it all get to me, and I carry it around with me everywhere I go. THIS IS NOT MY LOAD TO CARRY!!!! God wants me to pour out my words to Him. He wants me to give it all to Him so He can carry it. I am not in this alone.

This life is so darn beautiful. I just have to open my eyes and see it.