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Good Neighbors

We have been listening to the Little House series on audiobook whenever we are in the car. We have all been LOVING the stories. This quote from On the Banks of Plum Creek sunk into my heart and hasn’t left.

“There’s nothing in the world so good as good neighbors.”
Laura Ingalls Wilder

We met the man who will be our “neighbor” a few days ago. He is the one that currently farms the land and runs the operation. He was so incredibly kind and welcoming to us. Our closest real neighbors are a decent distance away. That’s farm living. But, I believe that a neighbor can be anyone that you interact with on a regular basis.

I know I sound like a broken record, but we really cannot get over the kindness of all of these people. God put them in our path and has used them to heal our hurting hearts. We have been shown first hand how much a good neighbor can make an impact.

I want to also be that good neighbor. I remember in college, one of our neighbors would come by our apartment to borrow a cup of sugar or flour. It was so fun! In Oklahoma, we had a neighbor that would come by to help Scott if he saw him working outside. He would also come by and ask Scott for his help if he needed it. It felt good to be neighbors like that. In Michigan, we lived next door to our pastor but they were the same way. We were always lending each other a hand.

What happened to those days? Are we just too busy to notice when people could use a hand? Are we so buried in our own problems that we don’t want to take the time?

Lord, help me to be a good neighbor to everyone around me.