kids,  ministry,  motherhood


If you don’t already know, we love baking bread. I want to send you back to this recipe, which is our favorite sweet bread. The recipe makes two loaves, which makes it perfect for gifting.

I made this bread once and took a loaf to one of my coworkers– I just removed the chocolate chips from the recipe. Her mom is really limited on what she can eat, and a nursing home is not taking care of her the way they are supposed to. When I gave it to her, it was as though I gave her a bar of solid gold.

I don’t tell you this to toot my own horn AT ALL. I tell you this because we often want to do something for others, but feel the financial strain. Especially at this time of year. Baking a simple loaf of bread is such a gift to people. If you aren’t great with bread, bake some cookies. If you are making a meal for your family, make an extra helping for your neighbor.

I feel as though we overcomplicate giving. We feel that if we aren’t able to give in a big and extravagant way, we shouldn’t give at all. That is FALSE. Usually, the small gifts mean the most to people. Your tiny drop in the bucket and yours and yours and yours combined with mine eventually overflow. A little kindness goes a long way.

This has been a wonderful lesson for my daughters. They love to help me bake (and eat) this bread, but they always know that a loaf is going to go to someone else. They usually want to give it to the same person, and she is just as thankful as the first time. It has been such a simple and fun way to teach them generosity– while also teaching them the skill of baking bread. Win-win!

They are also learning the skill of braiding. 😉 So cute.

What small gift can you give to help spread the kindness? Who can you hold a door open for? Can you tell a mother or father that they are doing a great job? Just look around and you will see a need that you can easily meet.