
Game ON

I had my follow up appointment yesterday. My doctor was booked all week, so I saw another doctor in the practice. He said that he did not see any reason for me to stop the AIP “diet”, because there is nothing wrong with eating healthy like that. He said to sure be sure and compensate and eat more than I was. He also was willing to do the test to find out if I have Hashimoto’s or not. So, next Thursday I go back and see my doctor. This is all so irritating.

I am not pregnant anymore. When I am not pregnant, I NEVER go to the doctor… ever… I spent hours at my doctor’s office because they were trying to pinpoint what caused my episode on Sunday. He said that all he can figure is nutrition. I was almost hypoglycemic, too, so that could have been a part of it. Whatever. It wasn’t a heart attack. That is all that matters to me!!! I am starting to reintroduce foods today. Cashews were first on the list. They are tasty, full of protein and healthy fats, and will be great to travel with.

On another note, Chloe has been coughing horribly since Friday and started running a fever on Sunday. I called her doctor yesterday and they wanted to see her right away, so I spent hours in the evening at her doctor’s office with her. She is at the point where she will either start getting better, or it will turn into a sinus infection and she will need an antibiotic. Harper has started coughing now, too, so please pray this goes away. We are supposed to be traveling to see our families next week, and we can’t go if everyone is sick!! It is near the 50s here, and I finally hunted down some rain boots yesterday, so we are going to play with chalk outside after nap. We may not be able to go to church or the store, but we can enjoy the sunshine.

On the rainboot front, the only ones that I could find for Addi were yellow, which makes me think of my younger sister. They make me smile. 🙂 HOORAY FOR SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!