
Front door makeover..

The front of our house looks U-G-L-Y. The wind blows pretty harshly around here. It has caused some of the siding on the front of our house to get ripped off. The front porch has never been taken care of, so the wood looks really rough. The house numbers were falling off when we moved in. The screen door is rusted and won’t stay shut, and the main door is equally stained and gross looking.

I bought new house numbers “in case” we had an emergency at any point. Ironic.. never thought we’d need them. I try to keep new tiny trees from growing up through the porch. I would love to plant a small garden in the front to make it look more homey and less like a rough neighborhood home. My next project though: FRONT DOOR PAINT! I want to paint our door SOOOOOO badly. Our house is white without shutters, so options are REALLY open.

I have been searching pinterest for colors. I have wanted red for a LONG time, but the more I see turquoise, the more I want it. I also love the yellow, but have a friend with a yellow door. I don’t like to do things that others do. Others that I know anyway, otherwise I couldn’t get anything done. :p


I guess I need help. What do you think? Any kind of turquoise/aqua color is so refreshing to me. It is such a happy color, but will it look stupid in the fall? Yes, I think about these things… Red is classic. You can’t really go wrong with it. But, it’s done a lot. I like to be the black sheep.



  • Mrs. Neuby

    Don't do red. Everyone has a red door. If you're going to paint the door, do something exciting. I'm thinking a nautical color of some sort seems like something you'd like. As you said already–aqua or teal. What about coral?

  • Ashley

    That is what I said about red!! I don't like being like everyone else. Coral might be pretty. I really like the teal. I think I might go with that. If it looks ugly, it can be painted over. I want a big American flag flying from the porch, too, so they won't clash. (geek.. I know..)