
Friday Faves

Happy Friday, friends! Today is chaos. It’s bill paying day and menu planning day and grocery shopping day and homeschooling and and and.. Chaos. This Saturday is my shift at work, so I don’t get much of a weekend.

I love my job. A lot. But, I’m also very tired. Homeschooling is a full time job. I don’t answer my phone during the school hours; making me feel like even more of a shut in. I’ve got papers and tests to grade. Chloe has reached the age of doing book reports. (WHAT?!) Plus, the usual housework that has to get done. Let’s just say I feel a little bit like I’m drowning. Anyway, that certainly isn’t a favorite or cheery- but it’s real.

On to the fun..

Check out this B&B in the UK! This is for sure going at the top of my bucket list.

My mom told me about this youtube channel, and I really love it. I don’t have a lot of time to watch things, but when I get a chance I watch a video. This is another favorite.

I love using Pinterest along with my cookbooks to plan the menu. I do two weeks at a time– basically each pay period. I have a private “menu” board where I pin the recipes for each menu plan so that they are easy to find. Do you use Pinterest?

I love following Layla on Instagram. This blog post of hers is so good. I long to create a home made for “front porch fellowshipping”.

I’ve recently read a couple of Sophie Kinsella novels. If you are looking for a lighthearted read, pick one up. (There is some language that I could really do without..)

Elderberry. We always love elderberry.

Have a wonderful weekend! What is something you are looking forward to?