
first trip and first Thanksgiving

Well, we all survived Chloe’s first long trip! She did so great in the car both ways! She just sat there and played with toys and books that I would give her.  On the way home she slept quite a bit, but on the way out there she was awake most of it.  Once we got to Illinois she didn’t really want to be held by anyone but mommy and daddy most of the time.  Some people got to sneak in some happy holding time, but once she realized they weren’t who she thought they were she was screaming.  It made me feel good to be “wanted” by her, but I felt bad that she didn’t want anyone else to hold her.  She was all smiles looking at people, but don’t touch! haha! While we were eating Thanksgiving dinner with my family she kept eyeballing Mikel’s turkey leg and smiling at him! It was too funny! When we had Thanksgiving lunch with Scott’s whole family his great Aunt Martha held her while she slept. It was nice to be able to eat with out a wiggle-worm in our arms. (not that I am complaining! I love it!) She had a pretty good day that day because she let almost everyone in Scott’s family hold her, but by the end of the day she had enough.  It was overall a very successful and pleasant trip.. as long as I don’t think about trying to get her to sleep while we were there! 😉 It was nice to be with family, but it is also nice to be home again and have Chloe all to ourselves 🙂
Chloe is still trying so hard to sit up. She gets her head lifted pretty far, and her little legs stick way up in the air. Yesterday she sat unsupported for both Scott and myself for a few seconds. I’m wondering if she will be sitting up on her own by our next trip home.  She’s so strong! She has also started grabbing her feet and holding on to them a lot.  I love every new stage with her and while I don’t want her to grow up, I am excited to see who she turns out to be.