holiday,  recommendations

Festivity for Mama

For Mama

It is time for some festivity for Mama. I feel like there are so many gift guides everywhere. My eyeballs hurt from looking at them all. So, I am changing it up with some fun and festive things for you to wear  and decorate with for the holidays!
First up- a fun t-shirt! I love the shirts that Katie makes! This Reindeer games collab with Jessica Garvin is my favorite!! She has a ton of other festive shirts, so go check them all out!!!  There are even shirts that are Mama and Little shirts. It is super fun to match your kiddos during the holidays!!
I also love this Christmas Sweater Print Scarf from She Does Justice. I love what her company represents. How cute is this shirt, too? I love the love for Jesus that radiates from her via social media. You can go here and read more about her family. I love to make purchases from a company that I can really stand behind.
I just bought this garland during Black Friday weekend. The Land of Nod was having a huge sale with free shipping. I try to buy one new decoration each year. We don’t have a hallway in our house. It’s sort of a glorified apartment. So, I like to try and make spaces look separate in creative ways. I have the perfect spot picked out where I have been wanting to hang a long garland up. I really want this white one to hang year round. Year round, but acceptable, festiveness.
I am not sure what it is about this deer ornament that I love so much. It’s ridiculously cute. We always do an ornament exchange at church. The ornament are supposed to be around $5. I almost bought the deer one for our exchange, but stumbled onto this one. It’s perfect. Our church is full of a lot of “older” people. I love them, I don’t think they’re old, but they do. Riding in a wood paneled station wagon is always one of the most talked about memories, so I hope whoever gets it loves it.
I love to have festive nails, too. I used to paint them red during Christmas every year. Now that I sell Jamberry, a whole new world is opened up. I stink at nail art. I have an insane amount of respect for the talent that some women have to paint incredible masterpieces on their nails. I struggle with painting one color. So, I love my little nail stickers. This Santa suit is one of my favorites and so are these elf hats. There are so many others to choose from.
Do you have any fun festivity that you want to share? I’m always up for new things to drool over. 😉
***None of this is sponsored. I have been genuinely drawn to all of these items. The Jamberry link goes directly to my personal website, so any purchase made through it would benefit me. If you have your own consultant, PLEASE go through her! ***