
Festivity and Fires

I get really excited about every holiday. I am not a huge sweets person, but I really love making festive desserts or yummy snacks that are holiday themed! I am a little obsessed with Jessica Garvin’s blog, “Little Baby Garvin”. She is so creative and festive. Plus, her daughter is super cute.. and she has a beautiful home. Anyway, She posted about this snack mix here and I have been dying to make some. It looks so yummy and festive, and I know my girls will love it. I made some this morning and am still waiting for the white chocolate to harden up. My popcorn is getting soft while waiting though, so I need to find a way to remedy that. I’ve munched on some though, and it’s really yummy!! Plus, it’s super cute! See:

If you know us, then you know that we don’t have tons of extra money to spend on decorations. I made these bats out of construction paper though, and they made a huge impact. I feel like the picture makes them look odd, but they look super cute in the house and cost me nothing. I have a closet full of construction paper, and all sorts off other odd art supplies that Chloe loves. Addi could really care less right now, which breaks my fragile heart. πŸ˜‰

The girls worked on some cookies last week also. It was the first day of October, so they were dressed in Halloween outfits, decorating for Halloween, and making Halloween cookies. Yes, we watched Hocus Pocus and Hallweentown also! πŸ˜€

Speaking of festive, we also saw this big guy last weekend.

Living so close to Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland is really fabulous for when I need a holiday fix. My husband would kill me if I decorated the whole house in June, so I can take a drive to the most festive, Christmas-y place I have ever seen. Plus, it’s Michigan, so it could snow in June sometime. πŸ˜‰

Now, for a major shift, but I want to get the word out so that more people will be praying. I am sitting on my couch with the windows open. The fall breeze is blowing through the windows. It sounds wonderful, right? Well, if it weren’t mixed with the smell of smoke and burnt wood, it would be. Yesterday, I started smelling smoke during naptime. If you know me, then you know that I have an insane fear of my house catching on fire. I start frantically going through the house smelling EVERYWHERE because I couldn’t figure out where the smell was coming from. I looked out my “back” door and saw that it was really smoky. I started to panic, and ran outside to figure out where it was coming from. The house across the street was on fire. It started on the porch. I ran into the house and tried to call 9-1-1. They never answered my call, but there were a few other people outside on cell phones. I heard someone yell “Did you call 9-1-1?” and then heard what sounded like “yes”. So, I knew that it was probably taken care of. I watched as the flames quickly moved from the porch towards the back of the house. I have never seen anything so frightening or surreal. The family was not home, but I am sure that they lost everything. Three firetrucks showed up and it took close to an hour to get the fire out. It burned the power lines to the house, and they shut our power off for a couple of hours to get it safely taken care of. I never got a chance to talk to the family and see if they needed anything. The insurance company, Red Cross, and tons of other “more important” people were talking to the family when they finally got home. It breaks my heart to think of how it would feel to come home to find that you had lost almost every earthly possession. I have been watching out the window to see if they stop by the house today, when it’s less hectic, so if I find out about any needs of theirs, I will share them on here and maybe others can help. Anyway, please keep this family in your prayers as they are starting over.