

February is shaping up to be wild and busy.

Our stroller arrived the day after I ordered it!! I love it. It is super smooth, turns really easily, and is cute to look at. Scott was AMAZED at how easily it folds up. He kept saying “wow” and laughing because he was THAT impressed. I told him that I did my research. I spent a lot of time reading reviews and looking at the features, etc. Figures that we had a ridiculous amount of snow dumped on us Sunday and now we are snowed in. Oh, well. Michigan…….

I had an ultrasound done on my thyroid last Thursday. They told me it would take 3-5 days to get the results in. I wasn’t really worried because I have had an ultrasound done before of it, and it was just fine. But, after the lady was done and about to walk me out, she asked if my mom had to have her thyroid removed. When I told her that part of it was removed, she just said “huh” and walked me out.. now I am kind of worried that she saw something strange.

Tomorrow is my neurology appointment. I am hoping to either get a diagnosis other than “un-diagnosed seizure disorder”, or be cleared to drive. I looked up some information and from what I have read, the seizure in May was a grand mal. I was never told what kind I had, and there are A LOT of different types. A lot of people have just one grand mal and never experience another. I am preparing myself to ask questions this time. What type did I have? If the last EEG didn’t show any problems, why do I have to continue taking medication? If you are going to make me continue taking medication, why don’t you diagnose me with epilepsy? Because, really, that is the only reason that I should be kept on meds for the rest of my life…. I am annoyed and angry that this doctor has never been willing to answer questions and never remembers what he told me the last time he saw me. Don’t tell me that it is my choice on whether to take the meds or not, then chastise me for not always remembering to take it twice a day.

My family members also have some very important appointments coming up that could reveal scary things. I am not going to spill their secrets, but please keep them in your prayers. God knows who and what I am referring to, and that is all that matters.

We have an I love my church banquet this month at a restaurant far away from our house. I am feeling pretty frustrated, because as a staff wife, I am expected to be there. I understand that. However, the cost is pretty high for each person, and I cannot eat any of the food that they are offering us. I also only know people IN OUR CHURCH, so the only option is a teenager who is not going to the banquet. Now, I love my teens. I trust them to watch my kids. I am not comfortable with being 30+ minutes away while they watch my kids at a house where creeps are constantly knocking on our door asking for money. It’s hard to not grow increasingly irritated when everyone just expects us to be able to have someone watch our kids. We don’t have family nearby. The only people we know will be at the banquet, or SHOULD be.. AND, it’s a school night and do not agree with keeping someone at our house really late.. especially when they all live FAR away from us and will get home extra late.


I am obviously feeling incredibly cranky today… stupid groundhog..

I hate winter.