Farm House

Farmhouse- Week 4

I fully intended to share this progress early this week. We were going to get some more done, but obviously life had other plans and I had a deadline to keep. So, you’ll get weeks four and five pretty close together.

Hey, hey! We made some progress this past week at the farmhouse. My mother-in-law had a slumber party with the girls, so we took advantage of the kid-free time. The half bath/laundry room has all new plumbing and a new floor put down. The farmer (I’ll keep calling him that instead of sharing a name) has been working really hard.

He discovered that the kitchen sink had also been leaking, so he’s been repairing that– along with repairing a pipe that froze over the winter.

We took down the curtain rod in the living room, which opened up the space so much. It’s amazing what a big difference something simple can make. We filled in holes and scrubbed down the walls.

Here’s the room with the curtain still up– just so you can see the difference.

Scott took down some obsolete security stuff that was all over the place. We got to see the wallpaper that was left behind. It’s always fun to see things like this. I feel like it’s just little pieces of the house’s story.

We got the first coat of paint up in one room. We color matched the Manolia Shiplap color. We bought a big five gallon bucket from Ace Hardware to do all of the rooms that need painted. It will brighten the spaces up quite a bit, and also save us some money by doing the same color.

There is still quite a bit to do, so our hands are a bit tied as to what we can do right now. The carpet is going to get replaced in what will be the homeschool room and the ceiling tiles will get put back up. Once that and the plumbing are done, we’ll be “ready to rock and roll” as Chip says.

We get more and more excited with each week that passes. We are all looking forward to summer break from school, and knowing that we will have a new home to make memories in will be great. Also, not having neighborhood kids knocking on our door six thousand times during dinner will also be splendid.