Farm House

Farmhouse Update- Week 15

Hi, friends!!! I know I keep saying this, but we are SO CLOSE! The floors are being worked on! Hooray!

Goodbye nasty carpet on the stairs! Ok, the carpet was actually in amazing shape for its age. I just can’t help but think about the dust that accumulated. It looks so much better already!

The upstairs bathroom is put back together! The floor needs to be finished, but then this room is done! He put in a heat lamp so the room will be nice and warm when baths are done. So kind.

The master bathroom is also all painted. Last minute touches are all that’s left in this room. Putting the drawers back in, trim back in, etc.

This is super cool! The carpet in the school room got pulled up. Underneath was 1950s style floor. He said it was tar-backed linoleum. He was so sweet and asked me to come look at it so I could see. He knows my love of old houses and learning the way things were done, and I appreciated this so much. He pulled it all up, and is going to attempt restoring the ORIGINAL floors to the farmhouse. It will depend on if problem spots were found.

Just imagine these cleaned up and re-stained. So pretty! If carpet has to happen, then I will welcome the muffling of sounds. I feel like it’s a win-win situation.

Here’s the most fun part– A fun discovery was made in the master bedroom.

The farmer did not know that these were hiding underneath the carpet. He said this was done before his time, so he had no clue. This is what I love about these old homes. There are so many hidden gems waiting to be discovered.

We still have to paint the rest of the trim so it matches throughout. The kids’ rooms upstairs also haven’t been touched yet, but those will go quickly.

Scott and I will finally be off together this weekend, so we will be able to go and get work done. Everything is coming together quickly. The farmer said he doesn’t take a day off of working– he was even there through the heat advisory. I truly am so thankful that these kind people were placed in our lives. God has so clearly been in every step of this crazy process, and we can’t wait to see what He does with this.

Any guesses on what week will be the final update? I’m hoping week 18, but we will see. 🙂