
Exploring the mitten.

We explored again yesterday, only this time we brought Daddy. It wasn’t really exploration for us girls, since we had seen it already, but it ws so much better having Scott along. The girls had so much fun. We didn’t pack swimsuits because the forecast SAID that it would reach 80 something by 8 AM and then cool off to around 60 by the afternoon. LIES. So many lies. It stayed HOT the whole time. Which is great when you were wanting some “summer” fun. We packed a picnic lunch to eat before releasing the minions to play on the huge playground. I hope to have MANY more days like this over the summer..and our life. What good is life if you aren’t LIVING it?!

We also explored the historic district again and drooled over the pretty old homes. We found a small one tucked in the midst of all of these massive ones. Scott and I joked that we could move in there and just bask in the glory of the fancy homes around us. Not that this small home was ugly. It was just as pretty, but much more humble. 😉