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Eczema Care with Gladskin

‘Tis the season for dry skin. You know the drill. The weather gets cooler, and our hands get drier. Not only are the cooler temperatures causing dry skin, but also the more frequent hand washing as germ season gets underway. Those of us with eczema prone skin are in for double the discomfort.

I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

There are several members of my family that struggle with eczema. It has been a tough battle to get it under control so they aren’t miserable. Finding a cream that works best is a struggle. I have gone through so many creams and prescriptions to try and get my daughters some relief. So much money has gone down the drain. As a mother, I have been extremely frustrated and felt incredibly helpless. It was bad enough to see them uncomfortable when they were infants and toddlers. But now, as they have grown up, we have the added emotional aspect to it. It is embarrassing to them to have large, red, dry patches of skin that is always itchy. It’s hard to resist scratching it, which only draws more attention to it. We knew that something needed to change, and I was feeling desperate.

Gladskin Eczema Cream is a first-of-its-kind cream, formulated with Micreobalance (a patented smart protein) that keeps bad bacteria in check to bring balance back to the skin microbiome. WHAT! I have never seen a product that works to restore your skin microbiome. Micreobalance is their star ingredient, and what makes it so different. By now, you all know how I feel about taking care of our microbiomes. Gladskin with Micreobalance rebalances the good and bad bacteria that naturally live on the skin as it moisturizes. This means that gladskin is leaving the good bacteria untouched while defending against the bad bacteria. This is music to my microbiome-loving ears.

Using clean products on our skin has been the best way to manage eczema flares. Gladskin eczema cream has no fragrance, no drying alcohols, no parabens, no steroids, and no sulfates. I don’t know about you, but I personally want to avoid using steroid creams on my children whenever possible. Gladskin cream is dermatologist recommended and clinically tested. It’s safe for long term use. Other eczema products are either only aimed at managing symptoms after a flare or don’t take yours, or your child’s, health into account holistically. There are no withdrawal reactions when you stop using it.

I love that there is a recommendation to store the product in your refrigerator so that it lasts longer. This is always a good sign of real ingredients as promised. The recommendation is that the product is good for three months from purchase if stored at room temperature, or until the date stamped on the package if kept in the fridge. Mine is stamped with 4/22, just so you get a clear picture of how long you know it is good for. The effects of a cool moisture cream on dry skin are so, so comforting.

My daughters that battle eczema often get flares where their skin creases. The backs of their knees and the bends of their elbows are where we fight eczema the most often. One of my daughters has been in the midst of a flare. She will scratch her skin until she bleeds. We applied Gladskin eczema cream, and she exclaimed “it already looks better!” She felt relief immediately. If you have children that fight with eczema, or you fight with it yourself, you know that most creams burn very badly when applied to the dry and broken skin. That was not the case with this cream. There was no pain or discomfort, just blissful relief.

We live on a homestead. I am HARD on my hands. They are in the garden, cleaning out chicken coops, and baking a lot of bread. I wash my hands frequently, and they show it. It’s like leather. It gets exceptionally dry and painful. This cream was a dream. It went on so thick and creamy. Even an hour later, my skin still felt moisturized, but not greasy or gross. It feels so luxurious, which is a real treat.

You should apply the eczema cream at least twice per day on and around the eczema prone areas. Most people see results in the first few days, but it could take up to three weeks of daily application to see the results. Staying consistent will give you the best results. Man, that fits everything in life, doesn’t it?

Gladskin can be used safely on the most sensitive skin– even your eyelids! It is proven safe and effective on children as young as three months old. Gladskin is non-toxic. It is formulated to work with the nature of you and/or your child’s skin, not against it. You can apply it as often as you like, and it can be used with your other products. Just apply it first and give it five minutes before you apply anything else. Basically, it is incredible, and I may be the new president of Gladskin’s fan club.

Gladskin also has many other products that also support the microbiome-balancing work that Gladskin eczema cream does. These products also do not contain any harsh ingredients or preservatives that most cleansers contain. They are all non-drying products that leave your skin feeling clean without feeling dry or tight. You know that feeling. You MUST try the shampoo bar. My hair is below my waist. That’s over two feet of thick hair, if you don’t know. I LOVE the shampoo bar! I have been trying to find a shampoo that doesn’t dry my scalp, but still cleans my hair. I finally found it with Gladskin’s shampoo bar. Plus, I am not wasting another huge plastic container of shampoo. It’s a win all around.

Head on over and get yourself some luxurious eczema cream, or try out a shampoo bar for yourself. You can save 10% on your order at when you enter the code GLADMOM10 at checkout. Code expires 3/31/22.

**In some rare cases, first-time Gladskin users may see temporarily slightly increased eczema symptoms. Any discomfort should be mild and not last longer than the first 10 days. This is often a sign that the cream is beginning to work as it rebalances the skin’s microbiome. This is not something that we experienced, but something that I do feel you should be aware of.