
Eating me out of house and home

Chloe is still crawling all over the house! She is also trying so hard to walk. If she would just get the confidence to let go of our hands, she would be off.  She pretty much supports herself completely now, just has to hang on to a finger of ours. We just had our first mother/daughter road trip. My sister, Amanda, graduated from the University of Illinois on the 14th, and Scott was unable to come along.. as usual.. so we went without him.  I drove all night to get there Wednesday.  She did great! She played with everyone, and beat up her cousin Isaiah. haha! She will regret that when Isaiah can walk because he is already her size. I was really worried about the trip back to Michigan because Chloe screams in her carseat, and I knew I was too tired to drive at night. God really answered our prayers because she napped, played, and babbled the whole way.. all seven and a half hours of the trip.  She never once screamed. We stopped at a gas station with a McDonald’s so we could both eat.  She is eating 2 jars of baby food at every meal, plus eating table food! She screamed at me if I didn’t feed her fast enough.  Last night she ate 2 jars of baby food and a plate of spaghetti for dinner.  I can’t keep up with how much she eats. I have to feed myself to feed the baby, but Chloe doesn’t like that. She wants to be fed without me taking a bite of food.

 While in Illinois, it was city garage sale weekend.  I found this Little Tykes slide for $30. It is practically brand new in perfect condition and saw it in a sales ad. It is normally $110. Chloe LOVES it. She can climb up the ladder all by herself. I hold her hand and she will scoot herself off the slide and down it. She giggles the whole time.  Aunt Amy also gave us Faith’s old kitchen.  Chloe might be young for a kitchen, but she loves to stand at it and bang the dishes on it.  She also likes to open and close the cabinets.  We also have a toddler bed that Patty gave to us.  We plan to put her in the toddler bed when she is 1 year old as long as she will cooperate so that she is used to it by the time the new baby comes. 

 I am so anxious.  We have 2 weeks until we find out if we are having a boy or a girl.  I can’t wait!! I really think that we are having a boy, and that seems to be the general consensus. Faith told me that she thinks I am having 10 babies. So, if that is the case, I will give some of them away for free. LOL! 
Big changes are coming and while I feel completely discouraged, I know that God has never let us down before, and I know he will continue to carry me, because I am too weak to carry myself at this point.