
Debt Free Journey

Debt isn’t a secret. We will never share exact numbers, etc. However, I’ve mentioned before that we want to get out from under the debt that weighs us down before we even start looking for a ministry position. That isn’t just something we came up with. That is something that God has lead us to do. I had someone say “well, your hubby isn’t looking very hard is he?” I had to bite my tongue to keep from yelling at this man. He doesn’t even know us (not even our names) and he has no idea what we have gone through.

A side note- STOP with judgemental attitudes. We haven’t given up on ministry. We see that God pulled us away from it for this season because we had things we needed to work out. Personally, relationally, spiritually..and yes, financially. So, if you are one of the people who thinks we have permanently quit ministry– YOU ARE SO WRONG! Unless God calls us away permanently, this is temporary.

Moving on…

I’m certainly no expert. If I was an expert, I wouldn’t have debt. But, I want to share with you what we have done to get motivated and moving.

  1. Total up all of your debt. I know. I didn’t want to either. But, when you see the exact number, it will make you feel something. Count in your student loans, auto loan, credit card(s), hospital bills, etc. It takes a lot of courage to do this step. But, it’s worth it. Yes, you are going to lose sleep. You are going to be angry. You are going to be afraid. But, DO IT
  2. Make a plan. How are you going to tackle this number? For us, we are TRYING to follow Dave Ramsey’s principles. We want an emergency fund first. This is where we have struggled the most. Our van has been in the shop FOUR times since July. Three of those times, it had completely broken down and driving it in rough shape wasn’t an option. Last week was the most recent stint. It starts to feel hopeless. But, keep your nose down and keep sticking to your plan.
  3. Work hard. If you are offered extra hours, take them. I’m working more Saturday’s this month since they were available. While Scott was off over the holidays, I went in early. Yes, it stinks to not see my family much. But, the weight is too much and we have to do something. So, we are doing it. Scott has said yes to overtime offers. It’s not fun. But, neither is debt. It will be worth it.
  4. BUDGET. This is important. Set a budget for how much you can spend on groceries, gas, etc. It has to be realistic. There are conflicting opinions on the occasional treat. One person may say that it’s ok to get that $1 coke every once in a while so that you don’t get too discouraged and down. Another says no treats at all and keep hustling. I’m not sure which camp I stand in… I know I’d give my left arm for a cherry coke from Sonic right now.. but I haven’t given in. If you are going to have an occasional treat– budget for it. I love the Monthly Budget worksheet from The Budget Mom to keep track of things.
  5. Visual aides— I am a visual person. I’ve written things down and looked at the numbers. However, I recently found these debt free charts. It has been fun to color in as we make progress. If this is the kind of thing that helps encourage you, check out the many charts that she has! Some of them are even charts to track your savings toward a house or car. Every square or line that gets filled in feels like such victory!

Like I said, I’m not an expert. Not at all. But, we have had a plan. We have spent a lot of time talking through it all, and need to spend even more time praying about it. We have made progress that we are really proud of. But, we do have a ways to go!

If you are on this journey also, let me know (if you are comfortable doing so) and I’d love to pray for you and encourage you to keep going when you feel like giving up.

Here are some debt-free and budget resources to help you out.

GoGirl Budget Planner
Financial Peace Planner
The Budget Mom
The Total Money Makeover
Dave Ramsey
Financial Peace Junior Kit— teach your children NOW!
Debt Free Charts

If you have any good resources to share– please do and I’ll add them to the list!