
Crazy, wonderful life

Well, since this is the first post I guess I will just “catch everyone up”.  Scott and I have been married for two years and four months.  We moved up to Michigan June 25, 2009 to come work at United Baptist Church with the youth.  We have a WONDERFUL church family that we love very much.  The Lord really has blessed us. We got our CRAZY puppy in July of last year, and it has been an adventure with her, to say the least! Around this time last year we decided that we wanted to start a family.. more than just us and a puppy.  We didn’t really “try” but we quit trying to prevent.  God really wanted this for us apparently because I got pregnant in November!!
 Its hard to believe it has been almost a year since we started this INCREDIBLE journey!!  I had a wonderful pregnancy with no complications and hardly any morning sickness.  I was due on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 and went into labor on Thursday, August 12th.  If only it were that easy! FINALLY on Saturday morning around 4 AM I went into the hospital.. only to be sent home.. Around 10 or 11 we went back and we were admitted and they started the drugs to get labor going faster for me! At this point, I hadn’t slept for two days so I asked for something to help me sleep.. I don’t really remember anything during the time I was “drugged” haha but I remember feeling “gooooood” when they gave it to me!  It was late that night when I was finally given an epidural.  I was in a TON of pain because transitional labor was starting.  It took THREE tries to get the stupid thing to work.  I ended up with an EXTREMELY numb left leg that flapped around while I was actually having Chloe.  After 52 hours of labor, at 3:56 AM on August 15, 2010, Chloe finally entered the world! She was BEAUTIFUL!!  She was screaming a big, LOUD, healthy scream.  She weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long.  She is now over 2 months old and weighing in at 12 pounds 3 ounces and 24 1/2 inches long (but her feet have not grown AT ALL!!)
She tries to pull herself up now.  She hates being laid down because she wants to see what is going on, so she spends a lot of time in her bumbo seat.  She smiles a great big, gummy smile that could melt the hardest of hearts.  She talks to us all the time and tries to do exactly what you do, and then gives a great big smile.  I have been trying to get her to make an “mmmmm” sound.  She thinks the fishy face is the funniest thing on earth right now.  She has such a funny personality already and makes some of the funniest faces.  She’s a wonderful baby and really only cries when she is hungry.  The turkey eats every two hours still, but has been sleeping through the night for over a week now! WOOHOO!! I feel like that is my first big parental victory!
I am getting excited because I will finally be finishing school in March of this next year and will NEVER go back!! HAHA!! It has been a long, annoying journey and I truly don’t think it has been worth it.. but hey, thats life, right?! 😉 I’m a stay-at-home-mom and LOVE every minute of it.  I really hope that the Lord provides us with the ability to keep me at home with our beautiful girl at least until she starts school.. but forever would be best 🙂
Scott and I really feel EXTREMELY blessed and wouldn’t change a thing about our lives.