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Counting Blessings

wagon ( I wish we had gone for this one) // bike (similar) // helmet

There is so much bad and scary news out there. It is coming at us from EVERY ANGLE. I feel like I’m suffocating on it. Let’s focus on the good.

Here in Illinois, we are under “shelter in place” orders through at least April 8. That means that I am not working. I am home with my babies. I am able to cook dinner for my family every evening. I’m able to slow down and savor this time. We aren’t rushing to art class, gymnastics, programs, choir practices, etc. All of the things that I always wish I had time for– I have time! You have time! This is our chance.

We are able to go outside and play. We take daily walks around our driveway (it’s big) and up and down the street if there aren’t any cars. We ride bikes and plan where the garden is going. I think we have FINALLY settled on a spot! Hooray!! It’s been snowing and freezing rain today, so maybe next weekend we can get our blueberry and strawberry plants in the ground.

I have been able to organize my kitchen cabinets in a way that makes sense. We moved in and immediately threw a big party for my parents. Then school started and we’ve just been dealing with where everything got put. I don’t have any regrets about any of that, but it’s nice to feel like we finally have a system. I also have a sourdough starter going. It stinks like no other today, so we are on the right path.

We are talking a LOT about this illness. We are talking a lot about how God has not been surprised by any of this. He knew what was coming, so we don’t need to fear. We also talk a lot about how God gave us a brain, and we need to make wise decisions. We need to do things to protect ourselves and our neighbors.

Being a homeschool family, our typical days haven’t changed a whole lot. Our activities have all been cancelled, but school continues on as usual. I keep saying how excited I am to see how many families continue homeschooling after this. I know so many parents who say “I wish I could homeschool, but I don’t think I’d do a good job.” I can’t wait to see how many people realize that they CAN do this! YOU CAN DO THIS!! Even if it’s only temporary for your family, you can do it.

Almost every church has done an online service today. I encourage you to find a biblically sound church service to listen to. There are so many that we can now listen to one each day and have loads of encouragement to counteract the fear and anxiety that many of us are feeling. I want to link my church’s service, but I don’t like that kind of specificity on here. 😉

Tell me– what is something good that has happened in the past week for you? Let’s focus on the BLESSINGS.

I love this song. Take a listen!! “You never stop working. Way maker. Miracle worker. Promise Keeper. Light in the darkness. My God. That is who You are.” This is just the reminder we need in this time. God is the way maker. He still is working miracles. He keeps his promises. He is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD!!