
Christmas Countdown

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Christmas is only two weeks away! Can you believe it? This month has flown by at lightening speed. 
I asked the girls today what kind of cookies we should make. Addison immediately started listing all of the shapes that she wanted to cut out. So, I am thinking that we are going to make some sugar cookies. Easy peasy. I have a really excellent recipe that has been passed down from my great grandma. It is egg-free, so you can chow down on as much dough as you want without worrying about being ill from raw egg.
Everything will be dairy free this year, because I don’t want Harper to miss out. I love baking with my girls. Ever since Scott bought me the new KitchenAid mixer, I have been all about finding an excuse to bake. My thighs hate me for it.
I also made paper chains for Chloe and Addison so that they can get a visual for how many days are left until Christmas. They like to ask 100 times a day if it’s Christmas yet. I can point to the paper chain and ask them to count how many days are left. They are loving it, and I love sharing this tradition with them.
Other than that, we are just watching Christmas movies daily, drinking eggnog, and enjoying the Christmas lights.
What are your favorite traditions as you count down ’til Christmas?