
Christmas Break

Friends!!! We made it! We survived until Christmas break.
I am so excited to wake up and take it easy for the next couple of weeks. I am extra excited that we have some long weekends with Scott off of work for the holidays. I’m going to soak it all up.
Today is being treated like our Christmas party. We have had cookies and made candy cane ornaments. The girls and their bed head crack me up. Messy hair always around here.IMG_0712IMG_0713IMG_0715IMG_0716
I should also really take the time off of school to clean the house top to bottom, but I don’t want to think about that.
Some things we have planned for our break:
– visiting my grandparents
-spending time with my younger sister and her family while they are in town
-feeling sad that my older sister and her family are officially moved an hour away
– opening our KiwiCo boxes (I’ll be doing an unsponsored review of those when we are done!)
– READING! I have a stack of books that I hope to read over break
-Finalize details for trip to Chicago in Jan.
– P-L-A-Y
I hope that you have a peaceful weekend before Christmas and enjoy celebrating with the ones that you love. Merry Christmas from our family to yours.