
Chloe is FOUR!!

Chloe turned FOUR on Friday (the 15th). It is so hard to believe that it has been four years since we brought our baby home. We were so terrified and excited all at once. I couldn’t imagine having a child older than an infant. I was excited to find out the kind of person she would become. She wears me out A LOT. She is stubborn, feisty, strong-willed, and rotten. However, she is also so kind-hearted, intelligent, caring, and sweet.

Her current favorite things:
color- PINK! It was blue for years, and now she loves pink.
animal- she still insists that hippos are her favorite.
toys- barbies and ponies
movie- Little Mermaid and Frozen
show- she loves some weird show called Noddy in Toyland.. she also loves Handy Manny and all of the Disney Jr. shows
food- She loves greens.. the other day she was dipping baby kale leaves in a tiny bit of ranch and eating them like candy.

She loves to play dress up and pretend that she is a princess. She wears costumes to the store and to church. She loves to wear skirts and dresses daily. If not those, then she wears leggings. She loves all things that sparkle. She is super excited to start school, and says she is excited that I am going to be her teacher. (I, however, am terrified of doing well at it)

Here are a few pictures of her big girl birthday. She had a great day.

Chloe, you are such a blessing in our lives. You are a great big sister to Addison and Harper. We love you SO much.