
Cereal, giggles, and teeth. Oh, My!

Chloe started eating cereal on Saturday! She was really unsure about it, and couldn’t get used to the texture. Sunday was a different story, though! She gobbled it up and kept going “mmmm”. She usually ends up wearing more of it, but today she stayed pretty clean!
She has also figured out how to laugh- FINALLY!! She was grinning with her mouth hanging open for so long that I love that she finally laughs out loud.  She usually laughs at daddy the most, but don’t we all! hehe! There is nothing better than a baby’s laugh!
She has been acting like she might be teething for a while now.. drooling, fussing, and pulling off while nursing. All of these are signs of teething, but it has been going on so long that I figured it was just some weird phase she was going through. Lo, and behold! There is a white bump on the bottom in the middle of those cute little gums. It actually looks like both bottom teeth are trying to push through. That little gummy smile will never be the same again.  I have the “Munchkin” spoons (all of you new mommy’s will know what I’m talking about) and they aren’t easy to bite on. I bought some of the gerber ones that are more flat and have that rubbery tip so that she can chew on it and get some relief.  She has her four month check-up and gets shots tomorrow…. Life really is a vapor.