
Caffeine in an IV?

I don’t know if anyone actually reads this. Sometimes I get thoughts in my head that make my brain feel like it will explode, so I write them here. If you do read this, I am sorry to waste your time. ha!

If you note the current time at my house, it is around 2 AM! My children WILL NOT STAY ASLEEP! Now, I LOVE being a momma. It’s the best job I have ever had. However, this week has been really rough.

Addison is getting her “2 year” molars right now. She is a teething monster. She cries all day long, and nothing really makes her feel better. Well, now it is waking her up at night a LOT. Last night I was up with her a couple of times. Tonight, she has already been up 3 times.

Ever since we switched Chloe to the big-girl bed, she wakes up once a night. Occasionally it is more, but usually once. Sometimes she falls out of her bed. Sometimes she can’t find her binky. Sometimes she is thirsty. Sometimes she is just ornery. Tonight, she has also been up around 3 times already. She keeps saying that her leg hurts. She must be having a growth spurt. Great.. She already is squeezing into her 3T tops. Keep in mind that she has not even turned 3 yet! I am glad I have been stocking up on 4T clothes as they are on mega-clearance.

What is the point of me saying all of this? I have no idea. If you were looking for an intelligent post, you have come to the wrong place.

I have a 12-cup coffee maker. I have no interest in one that makes ONE cup of coffee. Because, really, I need more than one cup of coffee to keep up with these little ones. I just brewed a FULL POT so that I can make it through this night. I might have a permanent twitch by the end of the night, but that will just entertain the girls tomorrow morning.

I am thankful to have Swagbucks, the blog universe, and Bible studies to keep me entertained all night.. Maybe I will pass out on the couch. Maybe.

If you DO read this, please keep me in your prayers tomorrow. I have REALLY been working on being “slow to anger”, as this is my biggest struggle.. Sleep deprivation usually causes extreme irritability in me. I do not want to be that ugly person. Words can never be unsaid. I have the emotional wounds from my pre-teen and teen years of words that cut deep.. I do not want my girls to have wounds that they have to fight their whole lives to overcome. Also, send coffee. Lots of coffee. Coffee in an IV!