
Bookish Things

Yesterday was National Library Shelfie Day. Who knew that was a thing?! I took this picture to use for my Goodreads profile, and our personal library shelf is behind me in the office. So, I guess this is my shelfie? I did take one for work, but I’m not going to share it. My book was The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah.

Since we had Monday off, we went to a place called The Old Book Barn. It is a whole barn full of books new and old! I want to go back and explore more without the kids– they got bored in our book sections. They each got to pick a book from their section, and it’s so affordable. It was a fun treat without costing much at all. I also learned that they offer trade-in for store credit! We immediately came home and gathered up books we won’t read again so that we can start the process of trading to buy more. HA!

I hope that you have been reading The Life Giving Home for our book club! It’s not too late! It is SO phenomenal and has inspired me so much. I’ve implemented some of the things I’ve read about and already seen a change in my home. The kids are signed up for an art class, which is really exciting. This is our first official homeschool group to join– which is WAY out of my comfort zone. But, I’ve done a great job and pushing myself out of my comfort zone so far this year.

I’ll be announcing the February book club book soon. I’ve been thinking about doing Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst. Have any of you read it? I already know what we will do in March, and I’m very excited about it.

Target and Amazon both have their books and movies buy two get one free currently! I buy non-fiction books so that I can highlight and make notes as I read.