
Birthday Week

It is my handsome hubby’s birthday this week. Has anyone else noticed this trend of “Birthday Week, day 1 gift:” and then there is a picture of a lot of presents?! What on earth?! I don’t usually get ONE gift on my actual birthday. That is not at all meant as a complaint because usually something ends up getting bought before and Scott can’t or doesn’t want to wait to give it to me. I just got a kitchenaide and I told him that it was my gift for the rest of my life for every holiday. HA!

Anyway, I teased him Sunday evening. We usually don’t get to eat dinner until after church on Sunday evenings. We feed the girls before church while I am at choir, and then we eat some leftovers or something after. This Sunday, our washing machine had lost it’s mind and Scott was trying to fix it after church. None of our children would go to sleep. Finally around 10 we were able to sit down and eat some spaghetti that I made. I looked at him and said “Happy Birthday week, Day 1! You get a sort of quiet dinner alone with your wife.” We both laughed.

I guess I was slacking last night… we got in bed and suddenly I became obnoxiously hungry. I wanted mashed potatoes. I said “Happy Birthday week day 2, go make me some potatoes.” I was kidding of course, but we were both cracking up. I went to get supplies for this picnic cake that Scott loves. There is coca cola in the frosting, and mayo in the batter. Don’t get grossed out. If my husband LOVES it, then anyone would. I may cry crocodile tears over the fact that I can’t have any of it. I bought the coke today, and you know how they say “Share a coke with (insert name)”? I had Chloe pick it out and she picked to share a coke with Adam. So, I told him “Happy birthday week day 3, a coke for Adam”.

I don’t think I’m doing this right..

I also think the idea of an entire week devoted to your birthday is a bit narcissistic. It is tough enough to afford gifts for people on one day.. now we have to spoil them for an entire week?!

If Scott ever tried to actually buy me special gifts for every day of the week leading up to my birthday, I may throat punch him. I mean, I guess if it was underpants I’d be happy. I finally bought a couple of new pairs for the first time in 5 years… I had been wearing maternity ones. I figured that was mean to my husband, so I finally threw them away and then realized I was out of underpants. So.. Scott, if you are reading this, next year I will take a pair of undies every day for birthday week.

This got weird..

Happy Birthday (Thursday) to this handsome man that I get to call mine for the rest of my life!!


  • Mrs. Neuby

    This went to a whole new level of weird. But I am so going underwear shopping 6 weeks after having this baby. haha.

    Also, Neuby's tend to eat popcorn on Sunday nights from what I understand. Some of them have smoothies & popcorn. Seems doable for you guys.

  • Ashley

    The undies struggle is real!! Who thinks about needing to buy underpants when there are three little ones running/crawling around destroying everything in your home. Good idea to make a date to buy new ones! 😉