
Birthday Interview With Harper

My baby is seven, and I can’t even believe it. She has grown so much, and is just as silly as can be. She is such an animal lover, and always wants to help out. I want to remember that she loves to make my sandwich for my work lunch right now.

1. What is your favorite color?  blue
2. What is your favorite toy?  legos
3. What is your favorite fruit?  cherries
4. What is your favorite tv show or movie? The squirrel movie that I got from the library (scaredy squirrel)
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  macaroni!! and chicken nuggets!
6. What is your favorite game? Sleeping Queens!
7. What is your favorite snack?  hmmm. cheese its!
8. What is your favorite animal? cheetah! and chicken! and ducks!
9. What is your favorite song?   umm.. I don’t know yet.
10. What is your favorite book? hmmm… Nibbles!
11. Who is your best friend?   *shoulder shrug* I think that me and Abby are friends
12. What is your favorite cereal?   honey cheerios
13. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  swim in the pool if it’s really reaaalllllllyyyyy hot
14. What is your favorite drink? sweet tea and water. mostly water
15. What is your favorite holiday?   Christmas and Easter
16. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  ten million stuffed animals
17. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?   cereal or chocolate chip waffles if we have them
18. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  pizza and macaroni
19. What do you want to be when you grow up?  I don’t know! A librarian probably just like you are
20. What makes you feel happy?  This duck and that I got the lego set that I really realllllllyyyy wanted

I hope seven is the best year yet!