deals and steals,  recommendations

Be Kind to Companies

I took a poor quality photo to share something with you. These items were all free. If you notice, they are organic, gluten free, natural foods. For. Free.
The Solera fruit bars were a coupon that Kroger offered. Brazi Bites had a free coupon that you could register. These GF bread balls are seriously so good, and I genuinely love them. I’ve had them before. Yum. (Check out to find free products and samples) The other products were all free from me reaching out to companies that I LOVE and telling them so.
Something that I learned a few years ago was that if you e-mail companies, they typically will send you coupons. Here’s the thing though. I don’t believe in e-mailing every company claiming that you like them just to get coupons. That’s dishonest and wrong. I only e-mail the brands that my family uses and loves a lot. If there is a product out there that I want to try, I’ll e-mail the company and be truthful. I tell them that I haven’t tried their product, but would like to. Then, I ask if they ever offer any coupons. Most of the time, they will e-mail a coupon back to you.
I don’t know if every company sends everyone the same things, so don’t be upset with me (or them) if you get anything different. Maybe I just have a way with words. HA! (kidding)
HappyFamily is the brand that sent me coupons for the free pouches and snacks. Harper is obsessed with applesauce pouches. I still like to buy the baby food pouches for her because I know she will get more variety of nutrients– just in case anyone wondered why I got baby food. She wouldn’t quit stealing them while I was trying to get a picture, so this is what I got.
I love Perfect Bar. They are REAL FOOD bars that you keep in the fridge. They have tons of protein and nutrients, and I like to eat them for breakfast. I asked them if they would like to partner up, and I would share their brand on my social media. They sent me a couple of free bar coupons, and I shared that I was eating them for breakfast on my Instagram stories. I had shared that I was eating them for breakfast before that, so it wasn’t really abnormal for me. haha!
Hellmann’s mayonnaise is my jam. I love mayo. They sent me THREE free product coupons when I raved about how much I love them. And, if you know me, you know that I literally rave about mayo.
Silk and SoDelicious sent me three $1 off coupons each. These are great for us because of Harper’s dairy allergy, and are some of the brands we buy most often. They are under the parent company of WhiteWave Foods, so if there are any other brands of their you like, I imagine you’d get something similar from each.
Daiya is a brand of vegan cheese, yogurt, macaroni, salad dressing, etc. This has been our go-to for Harper so that she can have the same food we are eating; just adjusted some. I contacted them quite a while ago, so I can’t exactly remember the coupons. I want to say that they sent a couple of $1 off coupons.
Back to Nature sent me a few $1 off coupons. They have lots of really yummy snacks and soups.
Annie’s homegrown is a brand that is ALWAYS in my house. Always. They respond with a link to where you can print coupons out on your own.
Now, my favorite. I LOVE International Delight coffee creamer. I know some people like black coffee. You do you. Me, I love some creamer. I e-mailed international delight when we were living with my parents. I don’t remember what I said to them. They sent me a few $1 off coupons. Then, a month or two later, a package showed up at my parents’ house. I was really confused because I hadn’t ordered anything. I opened it up, and they had sent me a coffee mug, earbuds, crochet coffee cups, a book full of inspirational and funny quotes, and a coupon for a free creamer. I’m not sure why, but it made my day. I felt really special.
Some companies will simply respond with a “thank you” and say that they will pass my kind words on to their team. Either way, I genuinely love the brands that I am reaching out to. If my words only solicit making them feel good, I am totally ok with that. It feels good to lift others up; even people that are a part of a big company.
I will be sure to update this if I get any more coupons. I encourage you to reach out to brands that you love and tell them how much you appreciate what they are doing. It feels really good to spread some sunshine.