
Babies and food drawings

All of these babies everywhere. Get it together, ovaries. You are done. D-O-N-E. Stop torturing me!!

Here, look at the picture Chloe drew. She has been sitting and coloring quietly for HOURS. This week, she has started drawing pictures in a notebook. Mostly pictures of her and her sisters. Yesterday, she started drawing ponies. Then she came and showed me this gem.

Lots of food!! An apple, cherry, pepper, strawberry, pizza, macarani and cheese, and I am not sure if I missed anything. She is so creative and full of life. I just love her. (I love them all, obviously.)

If you will sit down beside her and color with her, or just let her show you all of her drawings, she is your BFF.

Addi has started to sit down and color in coloring books, too. She doesn’t really want to try to draw on her own yet, and that’s ok. She started writing her name recently and it’s so adorable!! If anyone else writes her name, she asks “Where is my 3?” She wants you to write a 3 after her name, because she is 3 obviously. She went into hysterics the other day because she does NOT want to turn 4. Her birthday should be interesting..

I am off to down some more coffee and pray that I don’t die today.