
Babies all around!!

The girls and I went on an adventure after the fourth of July. We packed up and headed to my parents’ house for my younger sister’s baby shower. For those of you who don’t know, BOTH of my sisters were pregnant at the time. My older sister, Amy, was 2 weeks away from her due date. My younger sister, Amanda, is due in early September. The baby shower was for Amanda.

I could not stop laughing because I didn’t know where to put my hands in this picture. My aunt was telling me to hold my own belly. Let the record show that I was the skinniest sister for the first time ever… in my entire life! I was always referred to as “the big one” growing up. No, I am not joking. Yes, I am emotionally scarred. I will take a piece of chocolate cake. NO, pumpkin pie! My head is totally in fall right now. If only the weather would agree with my head..

Sheesh, I am just all over the place today. I will stop boring you after I say this: I am an aunt again! I am not sure what that really means. I think once an aunt, always an aunt, right? I have another BEAUTIFUL nephew. Now, don’t tell my brother-in-law that I said that. He will correct me and say “HANDSOME”. But, a baby is a beautiful thing. I will maybe share a picture on here after Amy gives all the deets on her own blog. It is facebook knowledge though, so I figure it is safe to say that he is here, healthy, and beautiful. His momma is, too. 😉

Babies are such a beautiful and amazing blessing. I cannot wait to see my other nephew in September!