• About me

    I remember doing these in high school, so for old time’s sake.. Here we go! 🙂

    Name: Ashley

    Birthday: May 10- That is Friday, ya’ll!!

    Birthplace: Alamogordo, NM

    Current Location: Near Flint, MI

    Eye Color: grey

    Hair Color: BLONDE

    Height: 5′ 8″

    Right Handed or Left Handed: right

    Your Heritage: German, Cherokee.. not sure what else…

    The Shoes You Wore Today: Sandals

    Your Weakness: coffee

    Your Fears: crashing into water with both of my girls in the van..

    Your Perfect Pizza: cheese

    Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get down to 135 pounds

    Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Who uses instant messenger anymore?? It used to be “anywho”

    Thoughts First Waking Up: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    Your Best Physical Feature: I don’t even know anymore. I used to think it was my hair, but now I feel like I don’t have any good features. No, I am not fishing for a compliment here..

    Your Bedtime: Whenever I finally fall asleep.

    Your Most Missed Memory: Watching my husband (then boyfriend) play football

    Pepsi or Coke: coke. cherry.

    MacDonalds or Burger King: I would rather eat garbage.. it would probably be healthier..

    Single or Group Dates: SINGLE!!

    Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton

    Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla

    Cappuccino or Coffee: both!

    Do you Smoke: never.. disgusting.

    Do you Swear: Honestly, if I am really REALLY mad or stressed, I slip up.

    Do you Sing: Yep

    Do you Shower Daily: Yes, most of the time.

    Have you Been in Love: I am still in love with my first love. 🙂

    Do you want to go to College: I did, but no I didn’t want to.

    Do you want to get Married: I am and wouldn’t trade it for anything.

    Do you belive in yourself: I am working on that..

    Do you get Motion Sickness: more after having kids..

    Do you think you are Attractive: Not at all

    Are you a Health Freak: Yes!

    Do you get along with your Parents: Yes

    Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes

    Do you play an Instrument: I can play ONE SONG on the recorder. lame.

    In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: never

    In the past month have you Smoked: never

    In the past month have you been on Drugs: never

    In the past month have you gone on a Date: ha! What is a date?!

    In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes!

    In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: NO! That is so terrible for you..

    In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nope.

    In the past month have you been on Stage: Yes

    In the past month have you been Dumped: No!

    In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nope.

    In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no

    Ever been Drunk: never..

    Ever been called a Tease: yeah I think so.

    Ever been Beaten up: nope.

    Ever Shoplifted: nope.

    How do you want to Die: the rapture

    What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I am grown up. I am doing what God wants me to: be a wife and mother

    What country would you most like to Visit: Italy

    In a Boy/Girl..

    Favourite Eye Color: hazel 😉

    Favourite Hair Color: bald. sexy!

    Short or Long Hair: short lol

    Height: I’m good with my short hubby. 😉

    Weight: Wow, these are shallow.. MUSCLES..

    Best Clothing Style: I always said that I never wanted a guy who spent more time on his looks than I did.

    Number of Drugs I have taken: like over the counter drugs? I don’t know..

    Number of CDs I own: several!!

    Number of Piercings: my ears are pierced once.

    Number of Tattoos: nada..

    Number of things in my Past I Regret: A couple, but I have learned from my mistakes and believe that God will use me to help people making the same mistakes as I did.

  • 8 months

    I just found this post that was still a “draft”. Enjoy 😉

    I cannot believe that my baby is 8 months old, or that I am about to enter my 4th month of pregnancy #2! This pregnancy has been so much more difficult than Chloe’s.  I have been really sick, and ended up losing 8 pounds.  My belly didn’t disappear though.  I love how blessed I am. Here is the baby’s heartbeat, if this video works!

    Chloe is crawling EVERYWHERE.. including up the stairs!! HELLO KID, YOU ARE ONLY 8 MONTHS OLD!! She is pulling up and “cruising” around the furniture.  The other day she stood by herself for a few seconds.  She didn’t fall either, just reached out to grab the couch.  She is getting to be such a big girl.  It seems like her skull is healing nicely.  The swollen spot is pretty much gone, so that is wonderful!  I am so thankful to have such a healthy, happy baby.  She is still teething.  The top two are STILL working on coming in. Her gums are so swollen and red.  She also is getting two more on bottom that have slightly poked through. It is making bedtime pretty miserable for all of us around here. But, I don’t blame her.

  • You are what you eat.

    I have really been on a food kick since having the girls. I don’t just accept whatever junk they are marketing towards my kids. Or me. I started to get educated. There are so many food allergies, and types of cancer, etc. that people keep asking “Why is it so common?” “These things didn’t exist ‘back in the day'”. Well, most of the “food” you are eating isn’t really food anymore. It has all been genetically modified in some way or another. One of the things that I really buy organic is fruits and vegetables. Scott and I are on a TIGHT budget. He is a youth pastor; which translates to not a lot of money. To me, it is worth sacrificing to be sure that I am feeding my family the best possible food.

    I make a lot of our own spice mixes (taco seasoning, chili seasoning, ranch seasoning, cream of whatever soup. I make it all. I am not trying to brag or toot my own horn, just sharing some info. It is not that hard to make these mixes. I OCCASIONALLY spend on Saturday putting all of this together. The thing is, it lasts for MONTHS. The best part of all of this- if I buy spices that I know don’t have any hidden pesticides, this is MUCH better for my family. There is no added sodium to any of the mixes this way. Read your labels. See how much extra junk you are putting onto your food that is not necessary at all. It saves a lot of money, too.

    I buy fruits and vegetables in season. I buy whatever is on sale and plan around that. Have you heard of the “dirty dozen” and the “clean 15”? Look them up. Memorize them. Everyone always says that their grandparents didn’t buy organic food, so why should they. That is because our grandparents had FOOD. We have chemicals coating our food now. You wonder where the cancers keep coming from? Food is the greatest medicine. I buy the clean 15 as “normal” produce. Being on a budget, I try to save as much money as I can. These foods that I know aren’t as contaminated are foods that I am willing to buy non-organic.

    Another thing that I buy organic is yogurt. My girls and I LOVE yogurt! We have a Trader Joe’s that is 30 minutes from our house (and also right down the road from the outlet malls!) I make a trip there once a month. Their organic yogurt is not much more expensive than regular yogurt at Kroger, etc. I also don’t buy the individual cups of yogurt unless I have a coupon or am going on a trip. This cuts down on the cost A LOT, too. I am just fine with spending the extra minute it takes to scoop some out into a little bowl. Honestly, with the cost of milk, I have not been able to buy that organically. I would love to, but it is just too difficult right now.

    Kroger sends coupons for their Simple Truth organic meats a lot. If I can get a good deal on it, I will buy as much as possible. We cannot afford to buy all organic food, but every bit counts.

    Don’t be fooled. Just because things say ORGANIC doesn’t mean that they are all organic. If it is marked USDA certified organic, it has to be 95% or more organic. Some companies just write organic, but it is not certified. Not that you ever truly know, but I always look for it to be certified organic.

    Take care of your health. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that your body is a temple. You only get one. Treat it kindly. Take care of yourself. This means eating right, too. You can’t eat garbage all day, and be lazy and expect that to be honoring to God. I am amazed at how many people in our Baptist churches laugh about being Baptist so we eat. They are overweight and unhealthy. They have not taken care of the temple of God. Yet, they will sit back and judge someone that walks in with a tattoo. Now, I am not saying anything for or against tattoos here, I am just saying that I am tired of one side being ignored. We are to do EVERYTHING for God’s glory. That includes being good stewards of His gifts, which does include the body He gave you to do His work in. How can we reach people for Christ if we are too busy laying in bed sick all of the time because we aren’t taking care of ourselves?

    “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

    Remember, you are what you eat.

  • Spring is here!

    Hello to my few loyal followers! Spring has indeed arrived in Michigan. However, it is Michigan, and winter could still poke it’s ugly head in for an unwelcome visit!! We have had beautiful weather here recently. It is great timing, too, because my sweet girls are sick. We may not be able to go out in public and spread our germs, but we can play in our yard and get some fresh air and sunshine. Addison woke up this morning with a fever. It was a low-grade fever and she only had a slight cough so I wasn’t worrying about it. During naptime, her slight cough turned into a really terrifying sound. I decided that I needed to take her to the doctor ASAP in case she needed a breathing treatment or something. I have been really blessed in that neither of the girls have ever needed that, but this cough sounds so strange. Our pediatrician’s office closes at noon on Wednesdays, so I took her to the ER. I found out that she has a sinus infection. She is on an antibiotic for 5 days, and I am really hoping it works. She sounds terrible. Tomorrow we will be taking Chloe to the doctor. She has been coughing for over a week now, but it doesn’t sound as bad as Addison’s does, so I didn’t think anything of it. I figure it is better safe than sorry. Please pray that my sweet girls get well. We have had a terrible winter with sickness. My due date has come and gone. I survived. Scott got me a beautiful bouquet of tulips. God gave me strength and grace. I am going to be confessing something here. I have baby fever. BAD. Almost everyone that I know is pregnant or has just had a newborn. I miss those snuggles. I miss breast feeding. I miss rocking a sweet baby all day long. I miss it all. I love the phases that the girls are in though. Mostly. Chloe is still ornery, and I am actually going to be removing gluten from her diet to see if her behavior improves at all. She is such a strong-willed girl. That will be good in the future I think, but for now it is a little (lot) frustrating. She loves her Sunday School classes. She loves to go to church, and to Daddy’s “ossiss”. Addison loves her nursery teacher. She will be moving up to a real class in October. Yikes! They are growing up so fast. I really didn’t think that I was blinking. We just got back from our trip to Illinois a couple of weeks ago. We had such an amazing trip seeing our family. The girls handled the trip like champs. No real melt-downs. They behaved really well while we were with family. They loved everyone’s “puppies”. I found out that I will be blessed with TWO nephews this year. One from each sister. It was fun. It is always hard to say good-bye to family, but it is also nice to get back to our church family and OUR home. My parents will be coming up next weekend to stay for a few days. Scott will be heading to the fellowship meeting on Mother’s Day. I will be spending 5 days without him. My parents will still be in town for one of those days, so that will be nice. We are going to go on a DATE! What is that even like? I don’t remember! haha! Scott’s parents will be coming in June for our anniversary. They want us to go out and enjoy ourselves. I’m telling you, we have the greatest parents!! I am so excited. We haven’t been on a REAL date for a long time. We need to invest more in our marriage. I know that.

  • updating the updates

    My OTHER sister has now informed me that it has been too long since I’ve updated this blog. Yeah, yeah. I am busy raising my kiddos. Well, lets see… Last post I was decorating for fall early to hurry the fall weather along. Now, I have decorated for spring in a desperate plea for it to please arrive yesterday. No luck. It snowed today… and every day of my life. Ok, that’s dramatic, but seriously? I am TIRED of the winter here. I picked a wonderful day to update as Chloe just spent almost two hours in a Iwantmilk/Iwantjuice/Iwantmickey/givemeanapple/iwantmilknotjuice fit.. and she is still going.. Please, somebody come and stab me in the ears with knives. Scott won’t take me up on the offer. Rude. She is 2 1/2. She talks A LOT. She is a funny little girl, and is so stinking smart. She also is an ornery little girl that throws major fits when she is unhappy about ANYTHING. She is still obsessed with Dora, though we RARELY allow it on our TV anymore. She tells me daily that her favorite color is blue. She loves pirates. Her favorite animal is a Popo (hippo). I have no idea where any of these obsessions come from, but they crack me up. She isn’t obsessed with princesses and pink, which is refreshing in this day and age. She loves to “hep” mama clean the house and make smoothies. The other day I was asking her to be my teddy bear. I pulled her in close and started squeezing her while pretending to sleep. She told me “That not teddy beaaar, that flowey”. She only gets her binky at naptime and bedtime, because I honestly can’t even handle the thought of her big mouth without a plug in it at night. She is daytime potty trained, though she has been having some setbacks this week. I am not sure why exactly, as there haven’t been any changes that could throw things off. She is only two, and I am so thankful that she is doing as well as she does. She knows just about every letter of the alphabet, all of the basic colors, all of the basic shapes, and can recognize most animals AND do their sounds. She is so intelligent… and knows how to use it against us. I really do love that infuriating/wonderful little girl. I just glanced at her place at the table and noticed that she put the elephant backpack/leash (that I haven’t brought myself to use) in her chair and pushed it in. Silly girl. Addison is also developing quite the personality. She is also becoming obsessed with Dora. I don’t really know her favorite colors or animals yet, and there isn’t a specific anything that she gravitates towards. She refuses to eat any fruit besides bananas. I offer her everything, but she is stubborn about her fruits. She loves to dance around to ANY music. She is most happy when plopped in the stroller and pushed around. If anyone besides mommy/daddy/Chloe says anything to her she blinks her eyes in response to them and grins. She babbles up a storm at home though. She loves pointing out her nose and eyes. She sticks her tongue out all the time. I was rocking her to sleep one night, because I needed it and she kept sticking her tongue out at me and giggling. She is a stinker. But, she is feisty. She pulls hair, bites, and hits if she gets upset. She loves to read books also. She likes making the pig noise and “woof woof”ing like a dog. She loves to see pictures and videos of dogs, but if she meets one in real life she gets frightened. She loves to carry around her “baaaaby” and put her in the stroller. Scott is Scott. He got a new (well, used, but new to him) video game for his PS3, and has been playing it like crazy. I like seeing him have SOMETHING that he enjoys doing. We have agreed that he won’t play it while the girls are awake, so he isn’t addicted to it like a lot of husbands are. He is handsome.. yep.. I am exhausted. The last time I updated, I was about 11 weeks pregnant. Less than a week later, we lost the baby. I can honestly say that it is the most difficult thing that I have ever gone through. I have a lot of guilt and a lot of pain. I also have a God that is GREAT. I ran the Warrior Dash while 4 weeks pregnant, and did not know it. That is when the baby stopped developing. I was upset when I found out. Where would we put a third baby in our already too small house? How could I possibly handle 3 under 3? We were just getting to where we could go places without it being extremely stressful. I would give anything for the extra stress and exhaustion that would have arrived within the next month. Can I just break the stigma and talk about miscarriage a little? I really hate that term. I Miss-carried my child. I did something wrong. My baby DIED. I believe that LIFE begins at conception. That was MY baby. I loved that baby, no matter how terrified I was of his or her arrival. I hadn’t even told my family or most friends that I was expecting again because I was dreading their reactions. It was easier to tell them that I had lost a baby. Some of the things people said were so rude and hurtful. Do not try to justify WHY this happened. Just say “I am so sorry”, or nothing, and move on… I don’t want to be a debby downer here, but that was a HUGE part of my 2012. I am just a few weeks away from my due date. I really am doing OK, but the emotions seem to be resurfacing. I see all of the baby stuff that is put in the empty, unfinished room, and I break down in tears. I don’t want this to be a debby-downer post though, so we are going to move on. A LOT of good has happened, too. I grew ONE carrot in my garden. Then, I forgot that it was in the fridge and never got to try it. Woops! I got on the scale this morning, and I am FINALLY down to my pre-pregnancy-with-Chloe weight! I am actually BELOW that weight! Yee-haw!! Now, if only I could lose the 10 other pounds that I have gained since getting married, I’d be set. I have fallen in love with running. I have fallen in love with fitness and nutrition. I am an organic-food-buying freak. I am ok with that. I buy as much as we can afford, and I sacrifice a lot to afford what I do buy. Next month, we will be heading back to IL to spend some time with our families. I am getting really excited. I will be running a 5K in honor of my dad, who has heart disease, and had triple bypass surgery in 2010. Even better, he MAY be running it beside me!!!!!!!! I have tried so hard to not get my hopes up, but have failed. It would mean the world to me to help fight this disease with him. I am anxious to get home and see family. I haven’t seen them since October. Scott’s family is able to come out a little more often, but we are still excited to see them as well. I am already making my “what to pack” list, because I am a type-A person like that. I have to plan and organize EVERYTHING. I think I have sufficiently bored everyone for now. An update on Chloe: She is STILL awake, sitting up in bed watching her movie. Yes.. my two year old has a TV in her room because I was DESPERATE for her to just sit in her room and BE QUIET.. Judge me.

  • update for Aunt Curly

    Well, my sister told me to update my blog.. so here it goes.. I guess the last thing that I really wrote about was that we were going to plant a garden. The garden was built (we BUILT a raised bed) a little late in the season. I have a huge watermelon vine that grew, but I don’t think that any fruit will come this late. I also have a huge sunflower plant. It is pretty and all, but I definitely didn’t plant sunflowers! haha!! Chloe just turned 2. She is talking up a storm now. She would talk a lot better without her stupid binky. I am trying so hard to break her of it, but she is one determined little booger. She is also a very LOUD booger when she is upset.. :/ She isn’t supposed to have her binky in her new sunday school class, so I’ve really got to break her at least during the day. You read that correctly. Chloe started in a SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS on Sunday. 🙁 She is no longer in the nursery on Sunday mornings. She brought home papers from church and it made me want to cry. She is getting so big. Her birthday party was fun. She was a little more excited about opening presents this time. She didn’t want to blow out her candle, and hid in my armpit when everyone sang to her. She sat next to her friend Brooklyn and chowed down on her cupcake. They were bright pink, and purple frosted cupcakes. She had a purple mouth, and Brooklyn had a pink mouth. It was cute to see them together. She is still pretty tall for her age, and I think that her weight is average. She loves Dora the Explorer. Any time she sees Dora she yells “gogo!!” I don’t know why she says it with a “g” now, because she used to call her “dodo”. Chloe loves to dance around. She watches the Backyardigans and will try to do the same dance moves that the characters are doing. I looked at dance classes around us. She could start next year after turning three, so we are going to look into it next year. We are trying to work on potty training. She will tell us that she needs to go potty right when she is going. It is getting frustrating. She loves to sit on the potty, but will never go! She has gone once in the 6 or so months that we’ve been sitting her on the potty. We put her in undies yesterday and she peed on the way to the bathroom. I am hoping we can get her potty trained soon. It would save quite a bit on diapers!!! Addison is 10 months old now. She has 7 teeth, and loves to BITE!! ugh.. She bit Chloe the other day. Chloe whined a little and pointed to her arm. She kept saying “boo boo” over and over again. Addison is standing on her own now. She cruises all around the room hanging on to furniture. She has only taken a couple of steps on her own, but will only take one at a time. The other day Chloe found their lawn chairs that my mom got for them. Addison used one as a walker, and was pushing it all over the house. She has started to eat some table foods. Today, we gave her spaghetti noodles for the first time. She gobbled them up. They were stuck all over her shirt, hands, hair, up her nose, and all over the floor! She loves to eat little pieces of banana and cheese cubes. She refused to eat any peas, but sort of liked the carrots. She doesn’t have as many teeth as Chloe had at this age, so I get nervous to feed her real food. I have to realize that most babies don’t have a full set of teeth before they turn one! lol! Addi is so smart. She says mama, dada, baba, nana, and has started to say what sounds like “hiiii!” She waves, and gives fives. She loves to clap and dance when music comes on. She sways around and head bangs. She is so much fun, and I am so glad that we were surprised with her! 😀 Every single child is a blessing, and I hate that people react in such a crummy way to news of a new baby. I couldn’t imagine my life without Addi. She may not have been part of MY plan, but she was part of God’s plan! Scott and I are doing well. He loves his new job. We have such a great church family. We have been here for a year now.. or right at a year. I think we moved out here on Sept. 9th. I was so excited to get here and decorate for fall! haha! I decorated for fall today. I am hoping that it will bring fall weather along a little faster. We both can’t wait to take the girls to a pumpkin patch! Last year, we went too late and all of the pumpkins were gone. We found a neat pumpkin patch though. It has a petting zoo and stuff. I just love fall so much. The smells, the crisp air, the pretty and colorful leaves, the comfy sweaters.. bring it on!!!

  • Short and sweet.

    Teething is a beast! Chloe is a wild climber. I have a shopping addiction! Getting out of the house with two grumpy kids is the best solution! They like people watching and end up in better moods!

  • Can you tell that life is busy with 2? Hmm.. Since Christmas, Addi has started rolling over all the time. She smiles constantly and has such a sweet personality. She is a beautiful girl inside and out. She weighs 18 pounds. She laugh occasionally and is such a snuggle bunny. She loves being with mama and I like it that way! Chloe is still the same. She is a rock climber that’s as brave as a lion. She isn’t afraid of anything. She learned to climb out of her crib, so we are on the hunt for a big girl bed. We are looking at getting a bunk bed because we do want more kids in a few years, and the girls will share a room. I found a pretty pink one that I love. I am really enjoying having two sweet girls. It is perfect… I love having two under two! It’s scary and stressful, but wonderful and perfect! I am looking into doing a food overhaul in this house. I am going to be trying to switch to a mostly organic diet. I’m getting rid of the junk. I have to be the example to my kids. Chloe wants to eat whatever we are, so I have to make it good! I don’t eat junk food anyway, but I want to make what we put in our bodies good. I want to preserve my health, not my physical body for years after I enter the gates of heaven! I can sacrifice elsewhere I will do what it takes to give my family what is best. I want to plant a vegetable garden here, but it is not our property so I have to ok it with Pastor. It would be such a valuable learning tool for the munchkins and so sustainable. In other news, marble nail polish is super fantastic! It took me forever because I kept messing it up, but once I got the hang of it, it was pretty easy and turned out so neat! Try it out!

  • Crazy, Busy, Stressful time

    I firmly believe that my mind is only working just enough to get me by and keep my girls alive.  I forget everything that I say, and lose everything.. keys, glasses, cell phone… :/

    Since my last post, we have found out that Addison tested positive in her newborn screens for cystic fibrosis.  After a month of being left in limbo, we finally had more in-depth testing done and found out that she does not have the disease, but is only a carrier of it.  We are working on getting tested to find out which side of the family it came from, or if it is both of us, and a possibility of a future child having the disease… because yes, we do want more children. 🙂 I am so blessed with my two little girls, and if that is all that God wants to give me I will be happy, but I would like more.. years from now, of course, but I love being a mom even more than I ever thought I would.

    Addison has started to smile finally. She is getting some more personality to her. She wouldn’t ever sleep unless she was laying next to me.. I hate this. I am fully aware of how dangerous this is.. and I try to lay her down 3984709374 times a night.. but at some point I am about to fall out of the bed holding her, so I lay down and get situated to where I won’t roll onto her when I fall asleep, and I was praying every night that I would not hurt her in my sleep. She would wake up about every 3 hours to eat.  Last night after some insanity, I had Scott bring the swing into our bedroom, and she slept in there… all night… without eating!!! (by all night, I mean from 130 AM to 730ish?) This little girl eats every hour and a half during the day.. and has growth spurts fairly often, so she cluster feeds a lot.  She still has all of her thick, dark hair and it is getting pretty long.  She weighed over 14 pounds the last time I weighed her about a week ago.  She’s beautiful, and sweet.

    Chloe is a wild hurricane of energy, but I love her and she is so fun.  She is saying so many more words now that I have been having her all day again.  Please don’t think that I am insulting my husband. He was taking her to work with him every day because Addison would NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT.. and I would have died.. probably literally.. if I had to go without sleep round the clock.  He had to do work though, so he wasn’t really able to work with her.  She has repeated many words, but seems to forget the ones that aren’t used in “every day”.  She says uh-oh, all done, ball (gah), hi, no, dada, mama.. and I’m blanking but there are more! lol It sounds like she will say thank you, also. She has tried to say noodle, knee, mouth, book, etc. when we see those things. She signs “more” and we recently taught her “please”. She currently has a double ear infection, and is getting the LAST FOUR teeth!! HOORAY!! Then, it’s no more teething until her adult teeth start coming in. She is currently at urgent care because she woke up covered in a rash. Yesterday, she had some spots on her nose, then they spread to her forehead after her nap. This morning it was all over her head, chest, tummy, and back. They are trying to figure out if she’s allergic to penicillin or if it is a viral rash…  It seems like one thing after another lately.  She is a grumpy girl, and won’t really eat a lot.. She is really starting to test her boundaries. She tells us no back.. smacks my hand back.. and she literally picks things up and throws them when she gets angry. She tried to pick up Addi’s car seat and throw it at the doctors office because wouldn’t let her play with something (I forget what). She is a stinker a lot of the time, but she is also very sweet. She gives hugs and kisses. She always wants to kiss Addi goodnight.. and always wants to help. She’ll hand me diapers when I don’t need them, wipe Addi’s face with a burp cloth, try to buckle or unbuckle her carseat, try to pick her up, and rub’s Addi’s belly when she’s crying.  She’s going to be a good mama one day (hopefully 20+ years in the future!!)

    Life in this house is getting crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!!! 😀 I really love my family of four.. I have those stick figure “stickers” on our van window, and I finally got Addison’s put on today and it made me smile a lot.  I know I’m young, and some may say “too young”, but I don’t care! I love my life!!!

  • She’s here!!

    Well, I officially have two babies to love on in person!!! Addison Mackenzie made her arrival on Thursday, October 27! She weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces (and was a week early, mind you!) and was 21 inches long.

    She is such a sweet baby. She hardly ever cries.. usually only when she’s getting her diaper changed. She sleeps all day and all night.. only waking up enough to eat. She’ll spend about an hour awake and looking around. I don’t remember Chloe sleeping THAT much.. but Chloe screamed a lot because she was always hungry.  Breastfeeding is going SOOO much better this time! I know what I’m doing, and know how to solve the problems I have. She isn’t tongue tied either, so that makes things a whole lot better!!

    Chloe loves her little sister so far. She smiles every time she sees her, and will cry when she cries.  She likes to “pat” on her chest.. and head sometimes. She also has started to play with Addi’s little feet.  She hasn’t really been jealous, but she’s been going to work with Scott, so we will see when that ends.  I’m not allowed to pick her up until Addi is two weeks old. I’m going to follow those instructions, too, because I could rip stitches in places that should never be ripped… YIKES! I’m so ready to SLEEP in my own bed though. Stairs are also a no-no and our bedroom is in the basement.. so I’ve been couching it. HOwever, I’m so exhausted from the last month of not sleeping that I think sleeping on a boulder would be comfortable!!!!

    I LOVE BEING A MOMMY!!  Seriously.. I think it’s even better the second time around because I get to see my sweet oldest daughter love on her little sister.  The blessings in my life are just too much!  These darn hormones adjusting again are getting to me.  I have started crying constantly. I don’t want Addi to grow up.. I LOVE Chloe, and she is so much fun, but I want them both to stay little forever.  I know that can’t happen, and I am truly excited to see the women that they will become one day.. but I’m in NOO hurry!  My girls are beautiful, sweet, and one of the greatest things to happen to me. Thank you, Lord, for pouring out constant blessings on my life….