• Favorite Blogs

    Being a stay-at-home mom, I think most of my friends live on the internet. Ok, so they don’t LIVE there, but that’s the only place I interact with them. I love reading blogs.. all of which are written by moms. I don’t read all “mommy blogs”, but most all of the blogs I read are written by women who are also mamas. I thought I’d share my favorite blogs to read, so here we go!

    1. Little Baby Garvin I have referenced her blog more than once. Jessica is the most creative Mama! She has a beautiful home and I have serious hair-envy!

    2. Camp Patton Grace is seriously hilarious. She has three kids (three and under!) and is pregnant with #4. I laugh every time I read her blog, because she is so real. She writes about the not-so-sunny side of parenthood, all while still making it sound pretty sunny.

    3. Neon Fresh Roo is also hilarious. She is a mom of 3 girls, but does not at all write a “mommy blog”. She loves GIF’s and has “This is How I Feel Fridays” that seriously leave me rolling with laughter. My husband always wants to read these posts, too! A couple of her girls have serious food allergies, so if you have kids with allergies, she is great to follow.

    4. All Things Katie Marie This is a blog that I have recently started following. She is a teacher with a new baby. She somehow manages to dress adorably every single day, and is super organized. I love her blog so much already!!!

    5. Life Style of a Lazy Head Emily went to BBC while I was there. I was so busy taking 21 credit hours and working almost full-time to actually make many friends while there. But, I have seen her heart for Jesus and her passion for encouraging people to live a healthy lifestyle. If you want some inspiration and encouragement to get HEALTHY and stay that way, check out her blog!!

    Those are the top five blogs that I LOVE to read. What are your favorites?

  • 13 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 13 weeks

    Total weight gain: 5 pounds at my appointment

    Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts

    Stretch marks? No new ones.

    Sleep: I don’t sleep well at all, but that could be because my girls wake up a LOT at night.. still..

    Worst moment this week: Sorry if this is TMI (and it probably is) but finding out that there was blood and protein in my urine at my appointment, and that the doctor is sending it off to make sure she isn’t missing anything..

    Best moment this week: I finally HEARD the baby’s heartbeat!!!!!!!!!! It was 140-150 bpm. 🙂 Perfect!

    Miss anything? energy

    Movement: I still occasionally think I feel something.

    Food cravings: I want chocolate pie! Chloe keeps pretending that she is making some, and I really want it now. lol

    Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing specific, just not feeling well.

    Gender: Don’t know

    Labor signs: nothing

    Symptoms: the usual..

    Belly button in or out? In

    Wedding rings on or off? On.

    Happy or moody most of the time: stressed

    Looking forward to: The phone call from my doctor about the test…


    Last week, I posted about having a “theme” word for 2014. My word for the year is SAVOR. I want to savor every moment with my girls. Their lives are just flying by already. I want to savor these months while it is just the two of them. Then, I want to savor the months when we have THREE!! I want to savor the time I get to spend with my husband (whatever that is..) Most importantly, I want to savor the time I spend with God.

    I spend so much time wishing that WINTER WAS OVER. Considering that 6 inches fell on top of the 3 or so that we already had on the ground, and we are still supposed to get 7 or so MORE through the day and night, it is difficult for me to not wish it away. But, I need to savor this season. I always wish it was the next season, or the next month, or even just the next week. I miss out on so much of life because I wish it all away. I am going to savor it all this year.

    I haven’t really set specific goals. I have things that I HAVE to get done this year.

    1. Chloe will be starting Pre-K this year. I am homeschooling my kiddos for as long as I feel that it is what God wants of me. I am not a mom who feels that every single parent should homeschool. I just feel like that is what is best for MY family. I met with someone yesterday who homeschooled 4 girls, and is still homeschooling 3 of them. It was awesome, and I am so excited to get started, and much less overwhelmed feeling. My goal is to plan out the entire school year before Baby #3 arrives so that I won’t be panicked feeling come September.

    2. Obviously, I have to get a nursery done for baby #3. I know what we are going to do whether we have a boy or a girl. We just have to get the room in the basement finished out before we can start on anything. I am trying to buy small things throughout the year so that the cost isn’t so much all at once. We are doing main colors no matter what gender we have, and throwing in specific colors once we know.

    3. I want to really organize and simplify things around the house. Small spaces force you to throw junk away, which is a HUGE blessing. The spare room is full of junk that we haven’t thrown away, so that is what we really have to work on.

    What are your goals for 2014? Are you going to have a “theme” for the year?


    I made it!! I remember thinking that I would NEVER reach this point in the pregnancy. 🙂 I know I need to post a belly picture soon. I will, now that my belly is starting to be a little round and not just “Dang, girl, what did you eat?!?!”. For now- baby is the size of a plum.

    How far along? 12 weeks

    Total weight gain: 3-4 pounds

    Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts

    Stretch marks? No new ones.

    Sleep: I feel like all I want to do is sleep. I have CRAZY dreams and I wake up after every one.
    Best moment this week: I have started cleaning things again. I don’t think my energy is back, just tired of feeling like a slob kabob.

    Worst moment this week: Falling asleep on New Year’s Eve, and Scott having to wake me up with 2 minutes to spare. We have to get our first kiss of the New Year in. 😉

    Miss anything? Well, I made an iced coffee this morning and it was delicious! I miss my energy!!

    Movement: I keep thinking that MAYBE I am feeling SOMETHING, but I am probably just crazy.

    Food cravings: nothing sticks out this week.

    Anything making you queasy or sick: I still feel queasy every evening.

    Gender: Don’t know

    Labor signs: nothing

    Symptoms: the usual..

    Belly button in or out? In

    Wedding rings on or off? On.

    Happy or moody most of the time: I am just really stressed out. I keep thinking of all of the things that have to be done before this baby comes. (such as, you know, getting WALLS for what will be our bedroom..) I was suddenly struck with the realization that Chloe will be starting Pre-K homeschooling this year, and I will have a 2 MONTH OLD when our first official year starts. Someone hold me.

    Looking forward to: I have an appointment tomorrow where I SHOULD hopefully get to hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. I didn’t get to hear it at the first ultrasound, but got to see it pumping away. 🙂

  • 10 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 10 weeks
    Total weight gain: I don’t know.. This baby has a serious sweet tooth, and I am scared to find out.
    Maternity clothes? still wearing maternity pants, but not shirts.
    Stretch marks? No new ones.
    Sleep: eh.
    Best moment this week: I saw a BEAUTIFUL, healthy baby with a strong beating heart!!!!
    Worst moment this week: I am in sort of a funk that I can’t seem to shake..
    Miss anything? coffee
    Movement: nothing yet
    Food cravings: cookies, cake.. ice cream.. brownies..
    Anything making you queasy or sick: once 3 hits, I feel terrible..
    Gender: Don’t know
    Labor signs: nothing
    Symptoms: same as always!
    Belly button in or out? In
    Wedding rings on or off? On.
    Happy or moody most of the time: blagh
    Looking forward to: January 3rd. My next appointment where I should get to hear the baby’s heartbeat with the Doppler! 🙂

  • 11 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 11 weeks
    Total weight gain: not sure
    Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts
    Stretch marks? No new ones.
    Sleep: stinks..
    Best moment this week: We had an ice storm hit our state, and it knocked out THOUSANDS of people’s power. Our power, thankfully, only went out for a short time in the middle of the night.
    Worst moment this week: I am losing my mind with one of my children and their crummy sleep habits.. literally about to completely flip out. She is so loud that she keeps waking her sister up a million times. A toddler should not stay awake until 10 or 11, and then wake up early.. all while SKIPPING taking a nap..
    Miss anything? coffee.. feeling normal..
    Movement: nothing yet
    Food cravings: mozzarella sticks and cookies
    Anything making you queasy or sick: I have been feeling crummy no matter what I do this week. It’s a bummer..
    Gender: Don’t know
    Labor signs: nothing
    Symptoms: the usual..
    Belly button in or out? In
    Wedding rings on or off? On.
    Happy or moody most of the time: moody.. the lack of sleep and disobedient toddler behavior is really getting to me..
    Looking forward to: CHRISTMAS is tomorrow!! We got the girls this huge, colorful kitchen and I am so excited to see their faces. I am making cinnamon rolls from scratch for breakfast, a ham for lunch, and pizza for dinner. It is our tradition every year to eat those things, and stay in Christmas PJ’s all day long. Though, I am too big for mine this year so I won’t have the festiveness. 🙁

  • 9 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 9 weeks
    Total weight gain: 1 pound
    Maternity clothes? I am starting to wear some pants.. they just are more comfortable.
    Stretch marks? No new ones.
    Sleep: I slept well last night!
    Best moment this week: A stress-free trip to the grocery store with both kiddos is always awesome.
    Worst moment this week: Yesterday was an all-around rotten day..
    Miss anything? coffee still
    Movement: nothing yet
    Food cravings: Mozzarella sticks.. super healthy, I know.
    Anything making you queasy or sick: still evenings..
    Gender: Don’t know
    Labor signs: I feel Braxton hicks all the time, which is so annoying.
    Symptoms: same as always!
    Belly button in or out? In
    Wedding rings on or off? On.
    Happy or moody most of the time: Neither.. lol
    Looking forward to: ULTRASOUND DAY!

  • 8 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 8 weeks
    Total weight gain: At my doctor’s appointment I had gained a pound.
    Maternity clothes? Not yet
    Stretch marks? No new ones.
    Sleep: What is that?
    Best moment this week: Telling our families that we are expecting.. Hugging my mom after her knee surgery and getting to help her out a tiny bit.. Meeting my newest nephew.. so many to choose from!
    Worst moment this week: Leaving family behind in Illinois.
    Miss anything? My love of coffee.. Everyone kept offering me coffee and it made me sad to turn them down.
    Movement: nothing yet
    Food cravings: Monical’s Pizza and La Gondola from our hometown. Score!
    Anything making you queasy or sick: Evenings.. Every evening I feel sick. Zofran has helped me feel much better during the day though!!
    Gender: Don’t know
    Labor signs: No
    Symptoms: Nausea, things are sore, I am exhausted, and I am showing ALREADY.
    Belly button in or out? In
    Wedding rings on or off? On.
    Happy or moody most of the time: I had a really good week! Happy for sure!
    Looking forward to: The ultrasound that I thought I would get at our first appointment. I cannot wait for Thursday!!

  • 7 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 7 weeks
    Total weight gain: I am not sure since I haven’t weighed myself. Last I knew, I was down a couple of pounds.
    Maternity clothes? No, though I wish I could go around without pants because any amount of pressure on my stomach hurts. haha
    Stretch marks? No new ones.
    Sleep: I keep waking up several times a night, which is annoying.
    Best moment this week: Taking the girls to Sam’s club.
    Worst moment this week: Chloe shouting through Sam’s that “Mommy doesn’t feel better”
    Miss anything? I still miss feeling like myself. I’m tired of feeling crummy every day.
    Movement: nothing yet
    Food cravings: I was craving a bean burrito from Taco Bell. My awesome husband delivered.
    Anything making you queasy or sick: My existence still.
    Gender: Don’t know
    Labor signs: No
    Symptoms: Still feeling miserable and tired. I also have other aches that aren’t really blog appropriate. ha! But, I am THANKFUL for strong symptoms.
    Belly button in or out? In
    Wedding rings on or off? On.
    Happy or moody most of the time: Only grumpy about feeling crummy, otherwise I’m pretty content this week. 😉
    Looking forward to: NEXT MONDAY!! We have our first appointment, and we will be leaving to see family for almost a week. The big announcement will be made to them then also. 🙂

  • 6 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 6 weeks
    Total weight gain: Nothing.
    Maternity clothes? Nope. My pants are no longer tight right now, so I am good for now. 😉
    Stretch marks? No new ones.
    Sleep: I have been taking unisom at night, so I have been sleeping pretty well.
    Best moment this week: Getting out of the house some.
    Worst moment this week: over 24 hours of keeping NOTHING down..
    Miss anything? feeling like a normal human being
    Movement: nothing so far
    Food cravings: nothing
    Anything making you queasy or sick: existing…
    Gender: Don’t know
    Labor signs: No
    Symptoms: sick.. I am so sick this week.. and feeling exhausted
    Belly button in or out? In
    Wedding rings on or off? On.
    Happy or moody most of the time: Moody again this week.
    Looking forward to: everything being taken care of and getting to go to our first appointment!

    I just have to brag on my husband a LOT. I have been horribly sick this week. He has worked all day, then come home and made dinner for him and the girls. He has taken such good care of me, and doing laundry, dishes, etc. so that I don’t have to worry about anything but trying to keep food in me. He is the BEST and I am so thankful for him.