• 18 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 18 weeks

    Baby is the size of: a sweet potato (YUM!)

    Total weight gain: I weighed myself at home after freaking out that I had already gained 12 pounds. I have only gained 8, so I am feeling MUCH better.

    Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts.. but I am thinking it’s going to be all maternity soon. πŸ™

    Stretch marks? No new ones.

    Sleep: I am running out of words that mean I DON’T SLEEP WELL AT ALL.

    Worst moment this week: Heartburn is rearing its ugly and unwelcome head again.

    Best moment this week: I got to go get a haircut on Friday and it was really nice. Am I the only one who loves having someone else wash my hair? Nothing better than getting a head rub. πŸ˜‰

    Miss anything? Warm weather, and normal pants!

    Movement: still just little ones.

    Food cravings: I am just hungry ALL. THE. TIME.

    Anything making you queasy or sick: Waking up in the middle of the night still sends me running for the bathroom. πŸ™

    Gender: Don’t know

    Labor signs: nothing

    Symptoms: all pregnancy symptoms that exist lol

    Belly button in or out? still in

    Wedding rings on or off? On.

    Happy or moody most of the time: feeling pretty happy.. only moody when I think about how terrible my sleep has been.

    Looking forward to: Ultrasound in 13 days, and I am going on a DATE with my husband tonight!!!

  • 17 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 17

    Baby is the size of: a turnip

    Total weight gain: At my weigh-in yesterday, I had gained TWELVE pounds already.. I am hoping it only said that much because I had JUST eaten my lunch.. πŸ™

    Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts

    Stretch marks? No new ones.

    Sleep: crummy

    Worst moment this week: I’ve been trying to not focus on the negative, so I really don’t even know!

    Best moment this week: We took the girls to Trader Joe’s and they loved pushing the little carts around and picking out fruits and veggies. πŸ™‚

    Miss anything? SPRING!!!!!!!!!! Warm weather.

    Movement: Definitely feeling movements! πŸ˜€

    Food cravings: right now.. donuts.. Tim Horton’s donuts..

    Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don’t eat often enough I feel sick (could have something to do with that 12 pound weight gain.. )

    Gender: Don’t know

    Labor signs: nothing

    Symptoms: nausea, kicks, EXHAUSTION.. oh, and the giant belly that everyone wants to rub!

    Belly button in or out? In.. but already getting flat.

    Wedding rings on or off? On.

    Happy or moody most of the time: I have been much happier this week. πŸ™‚ Life is only as fun as you make it!!

    Looking forward to: The big “gender reveal” ultrasound in a few weeks!!

    **I wrote about my nerves going into each appointment. On my way to the doctor’s office I actually was fighting tears back.. I don’t know why I get so emotional about it all, but I was really starting to feel the nerves and I just prayed for peace the whole way there. The doctor gets the Doppler all ready and puts it on my bare belly. Apparently baby felt it because he/she jabbed REALLY hard.. I mean, I JUMPED it startled me so much. Anyway, Dr. nice guy was moving the Doppler all over the place and was not finding anything. I could occasionally hear my own heartbeat through it, but not often. Normally, I would have started to panic, but I had just been karate chopped by the baby after all. The doctor finally says “This thing is not even doing what it is supposed to. I’ll be right back.” As soon as he comes back in, he finds the heart beat right away, and the baby sounds perfect. I am just thankful that God allowed me to feel that kick before things started to happen so that I was able to remain at peace the whole time.

  • Peace

    I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. With every pregnancy, I would get nervous before each appointment. Scott and I both were the same way. We would hold our breath and hold each others hand until we heard the baby’s heart beating away. Each time it was perfect and beautiful, but the fear of losing a baby was always the biggest fear for both of us.

    With this pregnancy, the fear is a million times worse. My last pregnancy ended in sadness. I know what it feels like to be told the bad news. My children are all the Lord’s and He can call them home at any time. I am very thankful that that baby never had to know the pain that this world brings. But, my mother’s heart still aches to know who that child would have been. So, with this current pregnancy, the fear is very real.

    Scott is unable to be at the appointments with me. I just sit in the cold office waiting for my doctor to come in. My heart pounds as the doctor asks me the usual questions. Then, it’s the big moment of “truth”. It feels like an eternity while they look for the heartbeat. It is so hard at this stage of pregnancy because you don’t feel constant movements. There isn’t really much reassurance that things are OK until you are at the office. As I was typing this, I felt it. I felt my baby move and reassure me, and tears are now streaming down my face.. Thank you, Lord.

    My purpose in typing this was to ask for you to please pray for me tomorrow. The nerves are still going to be there. Things can change in an instant. No matter what happens, God is always good. God is in control. I want so badly to hold this baby and kiss those tiny little cheeks. I want to know this baby. But, if God choses to call him or her home before I get that chance, then He is STILL GOOD.

    And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

  • The ache..

    After I wrote yesterdays dramatic post, in complete desperation to just get things off of my chest and not explode, I got my children up from their naps.. or rest time if you are Chloe. I had to wake Addi up. When I walked in her room I saw that she had pulled the curtain into her crib, torn up her blinds, and somehow reached the baby monitor and had unplugged it and pulled it into her crib. Houdini. Anyway, I realized that I needed to rearrange her room. The cords for the blinds are where she could never reach them from her crib, before anyone gets their knickers in a knot over her crib near blinds. Anyway, I had to move her bookshelf, which involves removing ALLLLL of the books and putting them back. I sat in her room, placing books on the shelf, sobbing. I finally reached a complete breaking point last night. My husband, seeing that I was struggling, cooked dinner while I cleaned in the room. I ate dinner with my family, and skyped with my parents.

    After the girls were put to bed, I logged onto facebook where a friend had posted this article. Learning to Live With the Ache Talk about good timing. Now, I do not know if we are done having children after this baby arrives. That is up to God and we will prayerfully approach the subject. I have always wanted four kids. But, I am not naΓ―ve and know that GOD’S plans are often very different from MINE. I already have four kids; two girls, one baby in heaven, and one in utero. These days are LONG, and the years are SO SHORT. These years are a struggle for every parent who has ever been in this stage, and for every parent who will be in this stage. But, one day I will be sitting in my clean, quiet house, and I will long for the constant giggles that come from my LITTLE girls. I will long for the piles of laundry and dishes to wash. I will long for these long, hard days, because they are good. Even though every day brings a new struggle, every day also brings tremendous blessings.

    I have contemplated deleting the last post, because I don’t like to admit that I ever feel that way. However, I think it is also important for anyone who happens to read it to know that life is not always going to be perfect. Some days you are going to fall apart in quiet sobs. Some days you will feel like you can’t take anymore. But, YOU CAN. To every mama: you ARE doing a great job. Start each day in prayer.. seek God’s will.. beg him for the strength to get through the hard days. We will miss them, and one day we will have that ache that won’t go away. Enjoy every stage.. they are all full of huge blessings!!

  • 16 weeks pregnant

    **Please ignore how messy everything is around me in this picture. My children are obsessed with throwing everything on the floor right now because they, too, are going crazy.

    How far along? 16

    Baby is the size of: an avacado

    Total weight gain: I think close to 8 pounds already.. :/

    Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts

    Stretch marks? No new ones.

    Sleep: horrible

    Worst moment this week: My kids are still sick and I am so sick of doing laundry and spraying Lysol to try to get rid of the germs.. I really am losing my mind completely

    Best moment this week: Last night the girls and I curled up on the floor in front of the TV to watch Room on the Broom.. which is “The Cat and the Witch” to Addison. She is obsessed with it.

    Miss anything? Going outside.. adult interaction..

    Movement: I think I feel some tiny movements occasionally.

    Food cravings: Still Oliver T’s

    Anything making you queasy or sick: The sickness is slowly letting up, but I still feel crummy most nights.

    Gender: Don’t know

    Labor signs: nothing

    Symptoms: the usual..

    Belly button in or out? In

    Wedding rings on or off? On.

    Happy or moody most of the time: I am getting increasingly grouchy the more we get into winter. This season is a nightmare to me, and I always really struggle through it.

    Looking forward to: Spring!!!!!!!! And, our ultrasound!

  • Survival Mode

    Since becoming a mother, I have grown into a version of myself that I am not a fan of. I am constantly feeling overwhelmed and.. I don’t even know how to describe it. I want to say CLEARLY that I LOVE my children. I love their personalities that are so very different. I love being a mother. Sometimes I have days where I wonder if I was never meant to do this. Was I just crazy, and God was really saying “You are going to stink this thing up, don’t even bother”?? I know this is not true, this is my calling from God. I was meant to do this. But, some days are just hard, and that is completely normal.

    I always wanted to be a mommmy. As soon as Scott and I got married, baby fever took hold. I used to love playing house (and teacher) as a young girl. I loved to babysit. I worked in massive daycare centers. I taught preschool. I love children. Somewhere after having two children so close together, I feel like I morphed into this not-so-great version of me. I don’t know if it is the constant flow of sleepless nights. I have insomnia, and then my kids wake up several times a night when I do finally doze off. I get terrible sleep every night. Everyone gets a little cranky on little sleep. String that together for more than a year, and you start to get madness. I don’t like the impatient and annoyed person that I have become.

    I get REALLY down in the winter. You know how you have periods in your life that just feel like you are stuck in the valley with no end in sight? That is winter for me. Every single year. It is the longest 3+ months. Every year I really make an effort to prepare myself for the torture of it all, and convince myself that it won’t be bad. This winter has been especially difficult, with our 1 1/2 feet of snow in a little over 24 hours, and wind chills reaching WELL below -20 degrees FERENHEIT. It is absurd. Throw in the fact that my kids have been passing a virus back and forth for OVER two weeks, so we can’t even go to Sam’s club or walk at the mall to get rid of some cabin fever. They are sick of each other, and some days by the end of the night, I am just sick of them. But, night time doesn’t end the torture here. See the paragraph above.

    I am just worn; weary; exhausted. Every family meal consists of Scott and I screaming at each other. NO, we are NOT fighting, we literally have to scream to hear each other over the constant drum playing with forks and spoons, and the screams of the girls “I want doooooooowwwnnnnnnn!!” I am constantly ducking because Addison thinks it’s perfectly okay to throw her food at me. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I don’t even remember the last time we went on a date together. Alone. Was it September? I know that in August we ran a 5K together, “The Great Pizza Challenge”, and then stood in the YMCA gymnasium and ate some really gross pizza. That may have been the last time.

    I feel like I am just doing the bare minimum to get by, and that is NOT AT ALL who I want to be. This pregnancy is difficult. Caring for two toddlers and dealing with already extreme back pain, nausea, and fatigue is rough. I know it will be “worse” when the baby actually arrives. In some ways that is, in a LOT of ways, it will be easier. I love caring for a newborn. The sleepless nights don’t seem as bad when you have a squishy little face that actually has a reason to wake up at night. I love the times alone at night with my babies.

    I don’t even know why I am writing this. Maybe I just really need to get it off my chest. Maybe I am begging for additional prayers that I can make it through this winter without ending up in a padded cell… and prayers that winter doesn’t last until July. I was joking that at the rate things are going, it will still be winter when my due date arrives. Please, Lord, NO.

    Here is an amusing story to end this miserable rant of a post, and sum up this day:

    Chloe colored the back of her door with a marker that she found in her bedroom during naptime.. she also colored herself… and threw giant puzzle pieces and mega blocks everywhere. It has been a splendid day here in the Pullen house. But, it won’t stay this way forever and I know that one day I will miss parts of this phase. So, I will try to focus on my 2014 word of the year.. I will try to SAVOR these days.. these long and hard days that feel as though they will never end. I know they will end. I know that I am blessed, and I know that God is good.

  • 15 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 15

    Baby is the size of a: naval orange

    Total weight gain: I am not completely sure.

    Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts

    Stretch marks? No new ones.

    Sleep: crummy as usual..

    Worst moment this week: Both girls are sick and I am losing my marbles!

    Best moment this week: Getting out to go grocery shopping and finding some AWESOME deals on clothes for the girls!

    Miss anything? feeling good and not getting stupid dizzy spells while driving and showering

    Movement: I DEFINATELY felt some “popcorn popping” in my tummy last night while laying on the couch.

    Food cravings: Oliver T’s sandwiches!! They are grilled and delicious!

    Anything making you queasy or sick: Still fighting with morning sickness..

    Gender: Don’t know

    Labor signs: nothing

    Symptoms: the usual..

    Belly button in or out? In

    Wedding rings on or off? On.

    Happy or moody most of the time: I am a grouch and tired of it!

    Looking forward to: 5 more weeks until the next ultrasound!

  • ‘Tis the Season for sniffles… and smoothies

    I have kept the girls at home other than to go to church on Sunday and Wednesday. I am sheltering them from the germ-fest of cold and flu season because I HATE IT! I hate being stuck inside with them for days and days with tissues and medicine everywhere! Unfortunately, it caught them. Chloe started with it, and Addison of course followed suit. They both have had fevers now, and my marker board is covered in information about the last dose of medicine and the time they last had a fever/what it was.

    How do you deal with cold and flu season? What are some great boredom busters? We have another “polar vortex” bearing down on us, and it is way too cold to go outside or even crack the windows. I am tired of being inside. I am legitimately losing my marbles.. The girls are fighting with each other. Addison is obsessed with Little Einsteins and now knows how to change the movie out if she doesn’t like it. If I hear that theme song one more time I might cut my ears off!!!

    On the up-side I have re-discovered my love of smoothies. I am really struggling with food aversions to just about everything. I needed something nutritious in my diet, but I can’t bring myself to EAT it. For some reason I am ok with drinking it through a straw. I bought a giant bag of baby spinach and blended that into my smoothie today. It definitely changes the color, but you absolutely cannot taste it! I have always been skeptical of it. I love spinach salad, but doubted that the taste could be hidden in a sweet FRUIT smoothie. I am a believer now! Try it out!

  • 14 weeks pregnant

    How far along? 14 weeks

    Total weight gain: not sure

    Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts

    Stretch marks? No new ones.

    Sleep: terrible

    Worst moment this week:.. I can’t even name just one.. it’s been a rough week.

    Best moment this week: Yesterday, Scott took Chloe to the office because her friend was in there. It was nice to have some peace and quiet. Addison is low maintenance. lol We also took the girls outside and played in our 17.2 inches of snow.

    Miss anything? energy.. coffee.. the usual..

    Movement: probably not. I hope soon though!

    Food cravings: Oliver T’s! YUM

    Anything making you queasy or sick: Still feeling crummy daily.

    Gender: Don’t know

    Labor signs: nothing

    Symptoms: the usual..

    Belly button in or out? In

    Wedding rings on or off? On.

    Happy or moody most of the time: moody.. I am sick of it!

    Looking forward to: I am still waiting for the phone call from my doctor to find out what is wrong. I am also really looking forward to finding out the gender in 6 weeks! πŸ˜€