
Ashley travels

Tomorrow, I head out to spend a few days with my younger sister. She is almost fully cooked with her second baby boy. I am praying that he comes while I am there!!! You should, too. I know she would love it if he came soon.

I love getting to spend some time with my sisters. Usually, it is loud and chaotic, so we don’t get to talk very much. My husband has graciously offered to keep the older two girls at home with him while I take Harper with me. It is going to feel SO weird to only have on kiddo to care for. It’s like a vacation!!! I am excited to help her out the way that she always helps me. Both times that Scott went away to camp while I was 9 months pregnant, she never hesitated to drop everything and come help. This last time, both of my sisters came and took turns driving me to doctor’s appointments all week. I am forever grateful for them. I am also extremely grateful for Scott. I didn’t want to take all three girls to “help” her, because it just would be bringing utter chaos into her home. No help at all.

Please pray for safe travels for Harper and I. This is the first time that I have traveled alone since being diagnosed with epilepsy. I always get really high anxiety any time we travel, and it feels a thousand times more intense this time. God is in control, and I am trying to rest in that. Trying. My heart pounds any time we start pulling out of the driveway to travel. I don’t relax until about an hour into the trip. It’s crazy.

I am going to miss the “big girls” and Scott so much, but am really excited for some sister time!

I’ll leave you with a picture of our family picture. 🙂