
Are we 6 months old?!

Chloe has become so much fun! Her motor skills are improving so much. She reaches out and grabs her toys, and toes, and brings them right to her mouth. She rolls over from back to belly constantly.. usually when we are trying to change her diaper.  She has started scooting from side to side on her belly.  She’s really working on going forward but can’t quite get it yet.  She pushes all the way up on her arms now.  Yesterday, she started sitting up by herself for quite a while.  She has been lasting a few seconds for a while, but last night she sat for at least a full minute.  She eats cereal twice a day because she was acting like she was starving at night.  I started mixing a little bit of baby food in with it in the evening.  All she has had so far is prunes, but she really likes them.

She has outgrown her 3-6 month clothes already because of her length, so she is now in 6-9 month clothes.  I feel like I’m wasting money to get her clothes that she wears for a month! haha! We are also switching her out of her infant carrier into the convertible carseat. She has been getting read marks on her neck from the straps and cries in the seat.  They aren’t too tight on her, and are in the right spot.. she is just too big.  I worry that if we get in a wreck it will slice her neck, so to the big girl seat it is! Thankfully she sits up OK so that we will do alright in the stroller.  It’s the cart I’m worried about!! She is loosing all of her hair, too, which makes me really sad! I hope it grows back brown when it comes back in.  She still has some so maybe she will keep what is left.. :/

I had to get her a new hat, too, because her head is very big.. I went to the mall yesterday and found a pig hat that has a face and ears on the front, and then a curly tail on the back.  It cracked me up and you can only pull that stuff off for a short while!

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