
An interview with Chloe

**Chloe lost her first tooth yesterday!!**

What’s your name?

How old are you?

What’s your favorite thing to do?
I think it’s kind of like getting a barbies.

What is your favorite book?
um…. Barbie book

What is your favorite animal?
umm… unicorns and I like mermaids, too. Mermaids can swim! I like hippos, unicorns, horses, mermaids and barbies.

What do you like to watch on TV?
Umm.. Team Ummizoomi

What is your favorite song?

What does daddy do at work?
Umm.. work.

What do you want for your birthday?
What about a new barbie with legos. Girl legos and new blocks that have pink and red because I don’t have any red blocks. So, and I want a sword so I can be a pirate and I want a dress so I can be a beautiful princess just like this beautiful princess. But, if my tooth is loose someone can get it out.

What’s your favorite color?
umm purple

Where is your favorite place to go?
Um to the mall!

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Um What about a princess.

Who is your favorite person?
Um the new Addie and the new Audrey.

What is your favorite toy?
Um Barbies.

What makes you happy?
Um Barbies.

What scares you?
the storms.

When you get sick what makes you feel better?

What is your favorite drink?
um chocolate milk

Who is your favorite princess?

What is something that mommy always says to you?
Um I don’t know.

How old is mommy?
I dunno

How old is daddy?
I dunno either

What did you do today?
clean up

What is love?
Um hearts

What do you like to wear?

What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?
um play

What is daddy’s favorite food?
Um chicken

What do you know about Jesus?
Um He loves me.

What do you like to go shopping for?

What is something you like to eat?
Um Macaroni and cheese

What makes Chloe special?