
Amazing.. or not?

This week has not been amazing. I am trying. I really, really am.

My kids asked to “go to nap” early today. We are all bored to death…

We made a trip to Target today. Saw a man sleeping under the trees near our house.. on the way home I saw an accident. This poor man was laying there on the ground and not moving with his motorcycle behind him. My heart was aching for him. I found out that the accident had JUST happened and that man had passed away. Please pray for his family. I know nothing about him.. But, I know that everyone has loved ones. I saw a comment from his niece on a news article. He was loved by people.

I just want to curl up in a ball and hide under the covers.

I want to make this week amazing for the kids. I want every day to be amazing. We set up our pool a few weeks ago. It needed cleaned, so I can’t take them out to swim because of the chemicals in it right now.

I am throwing such a pity party for myself. This NEVER gets easier. Ever. I cry myself to sleep every night. Watching Chloe cry is hard. Seeing it affecting my kids is killing me..

I keep reciting my memory verse to myself over and over again.

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