
Addison is THREE!!!

My “middle child” turned THREE on Monday. Once again, where has the time gone?!

I still remember the day that she came into this world. She was only 8 pounds, 6 ounces; 21 inches long. She had such long, dark hair, and it was beautiful. I thought that she was so tiny and perfect.

She is still perfect in my eyes, but sure does give me a run for my money!

Here is my baby girl after she was born. Look at all of that hair!!!

First Birthday

Second Birthday

Third Birthday

This little girl.. Where do I even start with her. She is a huge animal lover. She loves looking at pictures of animals and pretending to be them. She is very into horses especially right now. She is LOUD. Goodness this child is loud. She has this shrill screech/scream thing that she likes to do, and she thinks it’s hilarious. She is wild and spunky and not afraid to tell you like it is. She will tell you to leave her alone if she doesn’t want to be bothered. She refuses to believe that her name is Addison since we have called her Addi for so long. And, don’t you dare try to throw the middle name in the mix. It will all be over for you! haha!

But, she is the most tender-hearted little girl I have ever seen. Her feelings get hurt very easily. She cried during a move once because a character got hurt. I had to comfort her until she saw that he was ok. She gives the best bear hugs. She loves being a big sister. Every morning that I bring Harper upstairs, I will lay her on a blanket on the floor to get her diaper changed. Addi is immediately by my side ready to help or just give hugs and kisses. She loves to pretend to be a doctor and always wants to kiss boo-boos for everyone. She is super funny and has a wild imagination. She is such a problem-solver and will produce pretend screw drivers, boxes, etc. whenever they are needed.

I could go on and on about my kids for days, so I will stop with the biggest parts of her huge personality.

Addi, you are a huge blessing to your family. You are so sweet and kind. You have enough personality to fill the room, and I hope that you never lose that. We love you so much, little one!!