
A plate full

Ever since Harper was born, my plate has felt pretty full. I tend to thrive under pressure though… as well as feel a little insane.

Harper was born in July. My Faith Bible Institute class started in August. We started our Homeschool year in September. We went to see our families in October, and that is when the homeschooling sort of fell apart. We’ve put it back together though!! In November I started my Jamberry business. December is when I was given the go-ahead for our brand new MOPS program.

MOPS is where my mind is really focused right now. I started getting things set up in December and formulating ideas in my head. I was trying to wait until I could have a real meeting with Pastor before making real plans. He is also a busy man, so no meeting has ever come. I finally just published the facebook page and set up dates and got the ball rolling. He is getting really excited about the program and what the purpose of it is. When your pastor is on board, then you are set! haha!

Anyway, I am working on some very cheap centerpieces, crafts, and all of that jazz. I love doing crafts, but never really get a chance to do them. Thankfully, this gives me an excuse. I HAVE TO make things for this. πŸ™‚

Here is what I have so far.

Take the chalkboard sign out, and this is what will be on our tables. I am trying to do things that can easily be used for next year’s theme since we are starting so late in the game. I am also going to do a wood slice, but the person who offered to do them for me suddenly up and went on vacation.. so I guess I will be purchasing a couple. I am really trying to stick to a SMALL budget because I am fronting the cost for all of this myself.

I am really, really excited for the potential friendships that will be made. I am even more excited to have the opportunity to introduce mamas to the love that Jesus has for them!! Please pray for our MOPS ministry. I have one other committed helper and another who has offered to help whenever she can. God can make this ministry explode and be bigger than I can even imagine, but I need some more helpers. πŸ˜‰

Bravery is the theme of the year, and it is going to take a whole lot of courage for me to do this. It is way out of my comfort zone, but I am honored to get the opportunity to challenge myself.