
A lot has happened…

Wow! Where do I start??! As you can see from the first picture, Chloe is going to be a big sister! What a surprise!! But, it is a wonderful surprise that I am welcoming with open arms!! 
She is getting to be so much fun! She is army crawling really well, and doing the “real deal” occasionally, but she usually just falls on her face! She suddenly decided she was too big to nurse, so now I get to be a diary cow and pump and give her bottles.  However, with the pregnancy I am only providing about half of what she eats so we are supplementing with formula. She holds the bottle all by herself.  She loves her fruits and veggies.  I have made a lot of fruits that they don’t sell in stores, so we will be trying those with her soon.  She really likes mangos, which we had today.  She HATES meat, and makes the most hilarious faces when eating it.  Tonight I had her in the pack-n-play sitting up, and she suddenly decided to pull up and try to climb out of it.  I only had her sitting because I was right there, but now I know we need to lower her crib!! I am working on giving her a little bit of diluted juice in a sippy cup, but she just likes to chew on it.  She has no interest in drinking anything. 
We had a not so fun incident occurring the past couple of weeks.  On Feb. 26th, Scott was carrying her on wet tile.  He slipped and fell straight forward and her head slammed into the tile floor.  I rushed her to the ER where they treated her like it was no big deal because she had stopped crying by the time they finally saw her.  Once the physician looked at her he said she was fine and sent us home.  I noticed a spot starting to swell on the side of her head last week, so I got her into the doctor this Tuesday.  Her pediatrician immediately had her transferred to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan.  There, they X-rayed her head and found that she has a few fractures on her skull.  Then they did a CT Scan of her brain to make sure that there wasn’t any brain damage.  Thank God there wasn’t any.  They also proceeded to do a “skeletal survey” where they X-rayed LITERALLY every bone in her body (fingers, toes.. everything) I think they maybe were wanting to rule out abuse, but whatever. I’m pretty sure she may glow in the dark from all of the radiation.  The doctors at Children’s said that her skull should heal on its own, but to follow up with her pediatrician in a few days. I can tell the swelling is already going down though, so that is good. God was sure watching over her, because it could have been much worse. Now, if I could only get Scott to get his elbow checked out.  He busted it open when he fell, and he is too stubborn to make sure that it isn’t fractured.  It still is hurting him some, but the gash looks much better. I am so thankful that she is OK and healing well.