
A Grandma’s Love

I’ve been really blessed in my life. I was blessed enough to know all of my grandparents. My dad’s parents lived pretty far away from us my whole life, so we didn’t see them very often. But, I got to know them and loved them dearly. They passed away when I was a teenager, but I have so many memories with them. They were hilarious, loving, kind, and generous.

My mom’s parents were far away when I was very young, but then we were just a few hours apart. We spent Christmas Eve with them every year at a big family Christmas party. We went camping with them often. I remember sitting in their camper playing many games of Uno. Grandpa was always trying to break the rules. It’s the running joke that he’s a cheater at card games. haha!

One year, my mom had to have surgery. Grandma came up and helped take care of us kids while my mom healed. She happened to be in town on my birthday. I still remember that she made chocolate cupcakes with silver ball sprinkles on them. It meant the world to me. She didn’t have to step up and do that for me, but she did. It’s just who she is. She is giving and loving– just like my mom.

Grandma and I both have always loved Tigger. Winnie the Pooh movies and books were my favorite as a child. Grandma had Tigger glasses, mugs, statues, and all kinds of fun things. I used to tease her that I was going to steal it all from her. “I know exactly what I have, Ashley” she would tease. Once they moved into the nursing home, I inherited a big Tigger mug and a Tigger pin to put on a blouse or blazer. It feels a little odd to actually have these things, but I’m so grateful for the reminder of those silly conversations.

I don’t know how she does it, She has ten million grandchildren. Not really, but there are a LOT of us. Somehow, when I would call her, she always knew who it was. It must be some sort of grandma super power. She raised SEVEN children with a tiny kitchen and a humble home. I can catch a glimpse of what she was like as a mama, because my mom is so much like her. Humble, gracious, kind, giving, strong, selfless..

There’s something really special about a grandmothers love. She gives incredible hugs. You can feel the love passing from her to you. She REALLY hugs you. Not some fake hug, but a tight warm hug that makes all of your cares melt away.

My aunt snapped this picture of me hugging my grandma at my sister’s wedding. They surprised Amanda by showing up. None of us thought they would be able to make it. Their health was bad and grandma had just been in the hospital. I look at this picture and I can feel that warmth all of these years later. She’s incredible.

I wrote this post earlier this week. Early this morning, my incredible grandma breathed her last breath on earth. She is now healed and made whole, and that is a beautiful thing. While I grieve so deeply, I know that she is experiencing joy unseen.

“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
-Winnie the Pooh