
8 weeks pregnant

How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain: At my doctor’s appointment I had gained a pound.
Maternity clothes? Not yet
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: What is that?
Best moment this week: Telling our families that we are expecting.. Hugging my mom after her knee surgery and getting to help her out a tiny bit.. Meeting my newest nephew.. so many to choose from!
Worst moment this week: Leaving family behind in Illinois.
Miss anything? My love of coffee.. Everyone kept offering me coffee and it made me sad to turn them down.
Movement: nothing yet
Food cravings: Monical’s Pizza and La Gondola from our hometown. Score!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Evenings.. Every evening I feel sick. Zofran has helped me feel much better during the day though!!
Gender: Don’t know
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Nausea, things are sore, I am exhausted, and I am showing ALREADY.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: I had a really good week! Happy for sure!
Looking forward to: The ultrasound that I thought I would get at our first appointment. I cannot wait for Thursday!!